Today we will play a group quiz which will help us to learn essential vocabulary for BOTH sections of the prelim.
VOICE WORDS: Write the correct voice word for each definition: 1. Way of speaking used in local area or country 2. Speed of speech 3. Loudness or quietness of the voice 4. Clearness of the voice 5. The stress on a word or phrase 6. A break in speaking, period of silence 7. How high or low the voice is
8. Change of voice to express emotion 9. Clear pronunciation of words 10. Natural, flowing speech 11. Rising and falling of voice in speech 12. Appropriate speech for the person being spoken to, or for the situation
1. Messages given by the movement or position of the body. 2. Look on face which shows emotion. 3. Movement of the hand or arm which communicates a meaning or emotion. 4. Looking straight into the eyes of another actor 5. Position of the body – how it is held. 6. How the actor moves in the acting area.
7. How the actor moves in the acting area 8. Movements which follow a pattern or beat 9. Attitude or position of the body 10. Whether the actor moves forwards, backwards or sideways 11. How high or low the actor is in the acting area.
1. What is scenery? 2. What is blocking? 3. What is a backcloth? 4. What is a personal prop? 5. What is a Prompt copy? 6. What type of lantern moves around with the actor? 7. What is masking? 8. Name the 3 main types of theatrical lantern/light (1 point for each correct answer)
Q10: Miss May will show you three things which are used in theatre lighting. 1point for each correctly identified.
1. What is dramatic irony? 2. What is the writer of the play called? 3. Give 3 potential examples of the purpose of a drama (one point for each). 4. Identify the two structures in Drama (one point for each). 5. Identify 3 people who can help you to evaluate your work in Drama. 6. Identify 5 CONVENTIONS (1 point each) 7. What is the difference between set and set dressings?
Miss May will give you a set of cards with the 10 steps of the drama process Arrange these on your table – you will be given two minutes! One point for each stage in the correct position.
This sheet will give you ideas of what examples and adjectives you can give when using voice and movement words. PAST PAPER – Exam technique. Finish your section A booklet – this will help you to write about your own group drama in Section A of both papers. Use the homework booklet and ‘quizlet’ to help you revise vocabulary for Section B