牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 ( 模块七 · 高二下学期 )
Unit 1 Grammar and usage 板块:教学设计 - 课件
Unit 1 课件描述: 本板块是对 “ 介词 ” 这一语法项目的高度概括 式介绍和集中复习。学生从开始学习英语就接触 了介词,介词是英语中非常活跃的词类,用法繁 多,规则性又不是很强,特别需要学生在平时多 积累多记忆。本课时从引导学生关注基本规律入 手,将介词根据其不同含义和特征进行分类,依 次学习了表示时间、方位和位移的介词以及介词 与动词、名词和形容词搭配构成的短语。在教学 中,指导学生通过阅读课本上精简的说明,自己 得出一些结论,有助于提高阅读能力和自学能力。 由于学生对介词相对比较熟悉,教学中可以设计 一些复习性质的小练习,帮助他们熟练运用。课 本上语篇形式的练习也很好,语用的特征更加明 显,建议好好地利用。此外,这些语篇中的课标 词汇的学习也要提醒学生注意。
Lead-in What can prepositions used to express?
Prepositions of time ____ a point of time ____ a period of time ____ a particular day ____ means how long sth continues ____ means no later than ____ means from a time in the past until a later time now
at, in, on, for, by, since after, before, during, between, from, until
We can see a lot of people doing morning exercises in the park even _____ a cold morning. Mary was very kind to me _____ my stay there. Ann has been waiting for you _____ six o'clock. _____ a long time scientists could not discover the secret of the atom. The progress made in space travel _____ the early 1960s was remarkable.
The first record players only ____(play) a record for two minutes. By 1967, most TV broadcasts ____(be) in color. Since the beginning of 1999, the popularity of MP3 ____(increase) greatly By the time we got to the theater, the play ____(begin). We ____(finish) four units in the textbook by the end of this term. It is ten years since we ____(start) to learn English. It was not until the boss came back that they ___(leave) work.
Keys: played, were, has increased, had begun, will have finished, started, left
1877 The first recording of a human voice 1931 The first tape recorders 1948 Transistor invented 1954 Cassette recorders developed 1958 The first LPs (long-play records)
Prepositions of time ____ a point of time ____ a period of time ____ a particular day ____ means how long sth continues ____ means no later than ____ means from a time in the past until a later time now
Prepositions of time ____ a small place or an occasion ____ a larger place ____ a surface of sth at, in, on above, against, behind, between, by, near, opposite, under, etc.
超过均分 违法 落在同学后面 处于控制之中 坐在我对面的那个女孩 分辨两者之间的区别 路过那所学校 above average against the law be left behind his classmates under control / in control of a girl sitting opposite me tell the difference between the two … go by that school
Preposition of movement Use the following prepositions to fill in the blanks. to, across, along, down, into, off, over, out of, past, round, through, under, up 1. travel ____ the desert 2. ride a horse ____ the forest 3. walk ____ the street 4. run ____ the corridor 5. fall ____ the bicycle 6. come ____ to me 7. stick the fingers ____ his eyes 8. reach ____ his hand 9. get close ____ wild animals 10. wind ____ a round object
Prepositions with other meanings 1. — Did you find the dog? —It was tearing the cloth _____ its teeth. 2. — How did you get to my office so quickly? — I entered the building _____ the side door. 3. Very little is known _____ the family life of most cat species. 4. _____ his cold, he came first to the sports meet. 5. They were the only men who received votes _____ me. 6. The population of the world is growing _____ a surprising rate. 7. Written exercises are often corrected by teachers _____ red ink. 8. In Britain, meat is sold _____ the pound. 9. He increased his vocabulary rapidly _____ reading. 10. The overcoat is ready _____ the buttons.
Keys: with, by/through, of/about, Despite, except, at, in, by, by, except for
Page 8 Complete the dialogue, using prepositions. Words and phrases: 1. merely 2. accompany sb to do sth 3. the sale is on 4. under new ownership 5. anyhow / anyway 6. There be… available. 7. have an ample selection
Prepositions with other meanings 1. — Did you find the dog? — It was tearing the cloth _____ its teeth. 2. — How did you get to my office so quickly? — I entered the building _____ the side door. 3. Very little is known _____ the family life of most cat species. 4. _____ his cold, he came first to the sports meet. 5. They were the only men who received votes _____ me. 6. The population of the world is growing _____ a surprising rate. 7. Written exercises are often corrected by teachers _____ red ink. 8. In Britain, meat is sold _____ the pound. 9. He increased his vocabulary rapidly _____ reading. 10. The overcoat is ready _____ the buttons.
Prepositional phrases 介词短语 Read Page 9 and tell the meanings of the following prepositional phrases. 1. The ship set sail and headed for Shanghai. 2. You can connect the CD player to the computer by means of a special jack. 3. The program is capable of calculating our budget for the year. Prepositions with verbs, nouns and adjectives Make a list of verbs that are most frequently used to form prepositional phrases. look, get, take, put, keep, bring …
Page 9 Complete Su Mei’s introduction. Words and phrases: 1. go on sale 2. up to date 3. be capable of doing 4. stand for 5. buy from this brand 6. be familiar with 7. put … on the market 8. in that case 9. in time for 10. It’s up to you to decide … 11. in your budget
Pay attention to prepositions! Fill in the blanks with prepositions. 1. He was ____ a media and technology exhibition, reading the information ____ the display board. 2. Regular public broadcasting first began ____ 11 May 1928 in New York. 3. Many different people contributed ____ the development of TV. 4. By 1967, most broadcasts were ____ color. 5. Some consider digital TV to be superior ____ satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered ____ clearer pictures. 6. International standards ____ digital TV were established in 1989.
7. A completely new concept was introduced when the first WebTV set-top boxes came ____ the market, which combines the TV set ____ the World Wide Web. 8. With interactive TV programming, you can play along with game shows, responding ____ questionnaires. 9. At that time, the record player had to be wound up ____ hand. 10. American scientists invented the transistor, but only developed it ____ military use. 11. The Walkman became so popular that it was added ____ the Oxford English Dictionary. 12. The popularity of MP3 has increased to such a degree that major corporations are taking ____ the portable music player market with MP3 players.
Pay attention to prepositions! Fill in the blanks with prepositions. 1. He was ____ a media and technology exhibition, reading the information ____ the display board. 2. Regular public broadcasting first began ____ 11 May 1928 in New York. 3. Many different people contributed ____ the development of TV. 4. By 1967, most broadcasts were ____ color. 5. Some consider digital TV to be superior ____ satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered ____ clearer pictures. 6. International standards ____ digital TV were established in 1989.
Homework P104 C1, C2