Love It vs. Loathe It – page 3 7:55 – 8:30 Love ItLoathe It Make a “T-chart” on the next page of your writers journal. Make a list to complete the columns. Friday, August 7, 2015 Thought of the Day… “What you allow is what will continue.”
Independent Reading 8:30 – 8:50 Begin reading pages of Wonder – finish for homework.
Reading – Unit Study 8:50 – 9:00
Class Novel Discussion Part One – August Pages (review next 7 slides to give further depth of understanding before discussing questions) Discuss Inferring Questions p Why did August want to wait until he got home to talk about the tour? 2.How do you think Via feels about August? 3.Why would Julian make the comment about Darth Sidious? Was he trying to hurt August on purpose?
Figurative Language Search!! Find the personification on page 39! Personification – “felt everyone’s eyes burning into my back”
Writing Lesson 9:00 – 9:25
Let’s look at how an author writes or the “writer’s craft”. Here’s another “I Am” version
Time to add to our Reading Reference
What is figurative language? Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else, you are using figurative language.
Types of Figurative Language (Don’t forget to update your Table of Contents)
Restroom Break 9:25 – 9:35
Independent Writing 9:35 – 9:55
Hmmm, I wonder what kind of figurative language this poem uses. I am… My skin is… My hair is… My eyes are… When I walk, I… When I talk, I… When I eat, I… When I sleep, I… I am… ME “Writer’s Journal” Activity
9:45 – 9:55 Share Time Share your writing!
Reading Time 9:55 – 10:45
Let’s look closely at figurative language Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else, you are using figurative language.
Imagery Language that appeals to the senses. Descriptions of people or objects stated in terms of our senses. Sight Hearing Touch Taste Smell
Let’s add figurative language to our Reading Reference
READING REFERENCE (Don’t forget to update your Table of Contents)
Simile A comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as READING REFERENCE
Metaphor a comparison of two unlike things by saying that one thing is a dissimilar object or thing READING REFERENCE
Idiom A group of words whose collective meaning is quite different from their individual, literal meaning READING REFERENCE
Personification Giving human qualities to nonhuman things READING REFERENCE
Onomatopoeia Words whose sounds suggest their meaning READING REFERENCE
Hyperbole An exaggeration that cannot possibly be true READING REFERENCE
Alliteration The repetition of the same initial consonant sound in a series of words READING REFERENCE
Assonance Repeated vowel sounds occurring at the beginning of words or within words. Example:
READING REFERENCE Create an Anchor Chart (Don’t forget to update your Table of Contents)
Figurative Language Quiz Are the following expressions examples of Personification SimileSimile Or MetaphorMetaphor 10:35 – 10:45
The Alarm clock went off like a bomb!
The ants marched home
S he ’ s As Mad As a Hatter!
Sun went to bed!
The moon is a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas
She was as quiet as a mouse
The trees whispered to each other in the darkness
The frog’s tongue moved like lightning
She Ate the Mountain of food greedily
Metaphor Review!
Find the Figurative Language!
Out of Classroom! Lunch 10:55 – 11:25
11:25 – 12:05 SCIENCE TIME microscope – makes little things big
Bacteria! Let’s do a Scientific Experiment!
Bread & Bacteria Experiment
Restroom Break 12:05 – 12:15
Out of Classroom! Recess 12:15 – 12:45 Activity 12:45 – 1:30
Math Lesson! 1:30 – 2:00
Equivalent Decimals Meet the “Fluffy Zero” and the “Polite Zero”
Equivalent Decimals 034 is the same as 34. The zero in the hundreds place isn't necessary. The number still has no hundreds, 3 tens and 4 ones. 1.5 is the same as 1.50 The zero at the end is not necessary, but helps in calculations. The number still has 1 one, 5 tenths, and no hundredths.
Left Fluffy Zeros to the Left You may add as many zeros left of digits that are before a decimal. Even though the “Fluffy Zeros” think they’re important, they’re just fluff – they don’t change the value!
Right Fluffy Zeros to the Right Zeros can also be added to the right of the digits after the decimal. This still does not affect the value, they’re just “Fluffy Zeros”
Equivalent Decimals = = = These all have 3 tens, 2 ones, 4 tenths, 5 hundredths and 6 thousandths.
“Polite zero” is the same as.42, however if there is no whole part (ones, tens, etc..) in a number a single zero in front of the decimal is proper.
MATH Stash - Page 5 Create page 5 – Equivalent Decimals (Don’t forget to update your Table of Contents) Create an Anchor Chart
ADD to MATH Stash - Page 1 Have our lessons been exactly on time or equal to the time listed? Add to Anchor Chart No! But they’ve been about or almost the same. So, in math we have a symbol for that…
Math Workbook Foldable Hands On Activity: Math in Action TE pg 1G
Kagan Classbuilding Quiz-Quiz-Trade “All About School” Histogram Graph Students create Histogram Graph in inches of reward party choices: – Popcorn – Popsicles – Cupcakes – Extra recess – ? 1:50 – 2:00
Math Station Rotations! 2:00 – 3:00
Teacher Time – Place Value Computer Time – Math Practice: Free Choice On your Own – List the states of your region in order according to land area, from least to greatest in a two column table Games/Activities – Fluency Practice (multiplication) Math Rotations
3:10 – 3:15Wrap Up! Pair-Up back to back and share one thing you learned in class today with your partner Pack-Up Office will announce: Car Riders – Leave around 3:15 Bus Riders – (listen to intercom for dismissal)