1 Homeland Security S&T Summit (SE Region) Topic : Southeast Region Research Initiative (SERRI) A Congressionally Established Regional Research Initiative in Collaboration with National Laboratories Title: Developing Community-Based, Regionally-Deployed Solutions to Homeland Security Challenges Speaker: Benjamin Thomas, Jr. SERRI Operations Manager Oak Ridge National Laboratory Date:7 April 2009
2 Topic : SERRI - Regional Solutions with National Implications Application to First Responders: State, local and tribal organizations, including the private sector. Engage in research activities for product validation End-users of products Application to Preparedness: Man-made and natural disasters Training, planning, situational awareness, information sharing Casualty prediction, vulnerability assessments, at-risk segments Application to the Southeast: Regional HLS Issues for 9 SE States 8 States of FEMA Region IV (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN) Virginia (FEMA Region II) Homeland Security S&T Summit (SE Region)
3 Southeast Region Research Initiative (SERRI) ORNL Y-12 SRNL Alcorn JSU MSU Ole Miss USM APSU MTSU TSU U Memphis UT Knoxville College of Charleston Clemson University USC UK Morehead State NC State WCU GTRI 58 Projects -- 7 States KEY PROGRAM ELEMENTS Partnership of: FFRDCs Universities Private Sector DHS Customers: S&T Infra. & Geophysical Division DHS Operational Units (FEMA concentration) End- Users: State, local and tribal public safety agencies + first responders DHS directed projects: Solutions to complex regional issues with national implications Competitive awards Functional areas: Mississippi Research Initiative Regional Research & Operations Community and Regional Research Initiative/Institute Jacksonville State Tuskegee Univ ERDC
4 SERRI Projects Address Capability Gaps Defined by DHS S&T and Capstone Integrated Product Teams 2 Borders and Maritime Security 3 Cyber Security 7 Chemical/Biological Defense 4 Infrastructure Protection & Geophysical 12 Flood Management 13 Incident Management & Interoperability 10 Information Sharing & Management 5 Resilience 2 Workforce Development
5 Preparedness through Modeling/Simulation University of Mississippi - Flood Simulation Model UM has developed a model that can be used to predict risks and vulnerabilities associated with floods caused by breeches in dams and levees The 2-D model represents a technology advancement over 1-D flood simulation models Interest in the model has been expressed by: DHS OIP – Chief of Dams Sector Branch National Geospatial Intelligence Agency Engineering Research and Development Center US Army Corps of Engineers (Vicksburg, MS) USDA National Resources Conservation Services (Little Rock, AK) New York City Office of Emergency Mgmt. NOAA – National Weather Service (NWS)
6 Preparedness through Training – Seed Funding for Critical Infrastructure Protection Center at MSU Establishes MOAs with diverse university-based research centers to provide critical infrastructure training within MS and the southeast region Trained: More than 300 veterinarians in detection of biological pathogens in animals Approximately 50 first responders in basic/advanced disaster life support Nearly 90 teachers in emotional resilience in young children (ages 4, 5, and 6) Approximately 120 attorneys plus IT staff in the use of digital evidence and data forensic More than 100 individuals on how to detect tax evasion and money laundering Uncovered a national level security vulnerability in a vendor’s process control software in its SCADA Lab
7 Preparedness through Situational Awareness – MSU Tracking Barges Carrying Dangerous Cargo Barge tracking is important to national security. MSU is developing a prototype to provide better information on hazardous movements by barges. Prototype will enhance detection of potential threats related to hazardous movements on inland waterways. Collaborators: TrucksRailWaterway 445,218 Daily Shipments 3,723 Daily Shipments 82 Daily Shipments 808,662 Daily Tons335,070 Daily Tons181,279 Daily Tons 1.8 Tons per Shipment 90 Tons per Shipment 2211 Tons per Shipment Source: U. S. Dept. of Transportation, October 1998, Hazardous Materials Shipment Texas City Explosion 3130 Tons of Ammonium Nitrate (Equals 2 Barges of Ammonium Nitrate)
8 Preparedness through Information Sharing Multi-State Information Sharing Federal and Private Sector Partnerships Accelerating Prevention, Interdiction, and Emergency/Disaster Response and Recovery DNDO Y12 National Security Complex
9 3 SERRI Projects - Emergency Preparedness and Support for First Responders: Provides Situational Awareness for EOCs in 4 MS Counties Survey of 90 Law Enforcement Agencies in GA, MS, and TN Public-Private Partnerships for Regional Disaster Planning
10 Topic : Southeast Region Research Initiative (SERRI) Summary: SERRI is a HLS program which focuses on regional issues that have national implications. Take-Aways: It leverages public-private partnerships to meet HLS capability gaps. It combines S&T with operational support to develop HLS solutions. It is evolving to be more focused on FEMA requirements for preparedness, response, recovery, and resilience. Homeland Security S&T Summit (SE Region) See our poster session: SERRI See our website: