Rainforest revision
Here is the answer: what is the question? Adaptation Emergent Forest floor Sustainable development Eco tourism Cattle ranching
What is a Rainforest? Rainforests are very dense, warm and wet forests They are havens for millions of plants and animals They are very important in the ecology of the Earth as the plants of the rainforest generate much of the Earth’s oxygen
Tropical Rain Forests Tropical rain forests are found in a belt around the equator, where temperatures and rainfall are very high all year round There is very little variation between the seasons They will have an even distribution of rainfall annually Warm temperatures with less variation during the year The best known rain forests are found in tropical regions between the Tropics of cancer and Capricorn
Key term: Ecosystem The way in which all living components (plants, animals, soil, etc) interact. Example of a question: What impact would removing the trees have on other components of the tropical rainforest ecosystem (4)
An ecosystem is a living community of plants and animals within a natural environment. The distribution of ecosystems across the world is dependent on the climate and soil they rely on in order to grow.
Example of a question: Describe the distribution of tropical rainforests (4)
The layers of the rainforest
Describe the different reasons why the rainforest is being destroyed (4)
Explain the consequences of the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest (6)
Impacts of Deforestation Physical: On water cycle – more surface runoff, less rainfall, increased sediment load, greater flood risk. On soils – more erosion, gulleying, landslides, leaching, reduced fertility. On climate – carbon dioxide increases, increased daily range of temperature, rainfall decrease, reduced oxygen.
Examples of questions: Define sustainable development (2) Describe a sustainable development scheme designed to protect the rainforest (4)
Impacts of Deforestation Socio-economic and cultural: Loss of traditional way of life. Loss of land. Indigenous people have no immunity to “new” diseases. Conflict between indigenous people and settlers (has led to murder). Migrants have low standard of living.
Towards Sustainability? Several countries are making moves towards managing rainforests more sustainably. Strategies include: National Parks with no disturbance. Replanting. Involving local people in decision making. Green and eco-tourism. Debt for nature swaps.