Encyclopaedia Idea1 New Library Feature Proposal 22 The Encyclopaedia
Encyclopaedia Idea2 Thought Behind Metaphor The metaphor describes the real life source of comprehensive summaries of knowledge. As the user may turn to an encyclopaedia for information and guidance, they should be able to access one online. An added benefit of the online interface will be the generated list of related books, thus helping the user further with their studies.
Encyclopaedia Idea3 Immediate Idea The Encyclopaedia will allow users to: –Search for material related to project topics. –Gain brief information about their search, including images. (new) –Access a list of related books. –Reserve them for 24hrs for collection. (new)
Encyclopaedia Idea4 Search For Material Related To Project Topics Very much like keyword search available at present. Knowledge about the individual user will be used to assist search, via logging in. Knowledge of –Age –Course –Year
Encyclopaedia Idea5 Gain Brief Information About Their Search, Including Images Current keyword search system provides a list of book titles. Proposed system will also provide: A summary of topic searched. Images to intensify media content. A catalogue of interrelated books including cover images.
Encyclopaedia Idea6 Access A List Of Related Books From the catalogue of books the user can access each one individually to gain further information, such as: –Loan status –Location –Year printed –etc
Encyclopaedia Idea7 Reserve Them For 24hrs For Collection A user should be able to reserve a book that is currently not on loan. This will allow them to retain the book for 24hrs, providing them with time to travel to the library to pick the book up.
Encyclopaedia Idea8 Metaphor Source Characteristics Objects: Properties –Encyclopaedia: name, volume –Topic: name, page, content, subject area (ie Comp. Sci.) Relations –Volumes ordered by number –Subject areas ordered by volume –Topics organised alphabetically Actions –Open specific volume –Look up appropriate topic in index –Turn to correct page
Encyclopaedia Idea9 Metaphor Target Characteristics Objects: Properties –Topic: name, content, subject area –Book: name, author, ISBN, location, etc Relations –Topics organised alphabetically –Books organised by Topic Actions –Display Topic and Books –Books represented by image of cover –Reserve Books
Encyclopaedia Idea10 Mappings TaskHow the user performs itHow the interface performs it Task1 Search in book index for topic.Type in topic and click on search. Task2 Go to a topic.Click on a topic link from results page. Task3 Search again in the index for more topics. Refer back to results page when required. Task4 Assess which topic is of most interest. Assess which topic is of most interest from the refined results. Task5 Read about topic in question from the page. Read about topic in question from the computer screen. Task6 Search for any listed material related to topic, search for book in library, loan if not on loan already. Reserve related books online. Loan from library.
Encyclopaedia Idea11 Interface Design Index Page –User greeted with: option to select new subject category, different from their personal course subject. (Info gathered from Database) Input box for keywords Submit button Common buttons (“Back”, “Start Over”, “Clear Form”, etc)
Encyclopaedia Idea12 Interface Design cont… Results Page –Automated list of topics refined using users keywords –Each topic is a link to topic page Topic Page –Informative details and pictures (if any) –Catalogue of helpful books (each a link to info page). Loan status by each book expressing its availability, i.e. “On Loan”
Encyclopaedia Idea13 Interface Design cont… Book Info Page –Existing information will remain intact. –If book is not “On Loan” then, if user is logged in, he/she can request it to be reserved for 24hrs.