Key Elements of a Quality Improvement Management Plan Title I Quality Management Program Quality Learning Network Mental Health Providers May 17 th, 2004 Johanna Buck, Quality Consultant
QI Management Plan Learning Objectives To understand the purpose and primary elements of a quality improvement management planTo understand the purpose and primary elements of a quality improvement management plan To be able to begin a draft of a quality improvement management planTo be able to begin a draft of a quality improvement management plan
QI Management Plan Elements Quality StatementQuality Statement Quality Improvement InfrastructureQuality Improvement Infrastructure Annual Quality GoalsAnnual Quality Goals Staff InvolvementStaff Involvement Consumer InvolvementConsumer Involvement EvaluationEvaluation
QI Management Plan Elements Quality StatementQuality Statement Describes the purpose of the HIV quality program, e.g. “to provide the highest quality mental health care to HIV positive patients in the Westchester, NY area”.Describes the purpose of the HIV quality program, e.g. “to provide the highest quality mental health care to HIV positive patients in the Westchester, NY area”.
QI Management Plan Elements Quality Improvement InfrastructureQuality Improvement Infrastructure Describes how the quality program is staffed and structured in order to get the work done. –Leadership – who is ultimately responsible? Typically a Quality Committee. Typically a Quality Committee. –Membership – who participates routinely –Meeting structure – when, where, system for documentation
QI Management Plan Elements Annual Quality GoalsAnnual Quality Goals The “real” work is completed during QI projects and the plan should provide the following information about the yearly projects: –Annual quality goals – select one or more areas for improvement –Quality improvement teams – identify staff –Performance measurement – how will data be collected and evaluated
QI Management Plan Elements Staff InvolvementStaff Involvement All staff should be kept informed of quality initiatives. –Communication – meetings, bulletin board, newsletters, reports to internal/external groups –Education – how is quality training provided – manuals, workshops.
QI Management Plan Elements Consumer InvolvementConsumer Involvement Strategies to involve consumers in quality should be identified.
QI Management Plan Elements EvaluationEvaluation A process for evaluating and making changes to the quality program should be described. –Quality projects – make sure that process for selecting and conducting projects that are worthwhile is working and that improvements are sustainable –Quality improvement plan- did the plan provide the vision and organization to get the work done?