Meet the Teacher Night September 18, 2014 Welcome to Kindergarten
Teacher:Miss Elizabeth King Teacher Assistant:Mrs. Rene Colletti Mrs. Colletti will assist in the classroom everyday. She will also help with small class instruction and differentiated instruction.
Our Kindergarten Program A faith-based classroom. We emphasize the Golden Rule--treating others the way you want to be treated. We have limits that the children are taught that are meant to keep them safe and let them work and learn to their potential.
Schedule/Routine prayers and pledge attendance lunch count calendar Fundations reading math snack special wash up for lunch/storytime lunch recess center time afternoon--varies from day to day
Specials Monday- Library and Music Tuesday-Art and Liturgical Music Wednesday-Gym Thursday-Gym Friday-Spanish, Computer, and Art
Homework usually two or three pages per night a page from the math or Fundations book reading homework will be in the practice book always done in pencil encourage your child to be neat and do his/her best have your child write his/her name if there is a space provided on worksheets (not necessary to write the name on the pages in the practice book) to be returned to me the next school day can be found on the website-
Lunch Procedure we are a peanut free AND tree nut free school if bringing lunch, label the lunchbox or lunch bag with your child’s name it is required that the Kindergarten children stick to the meal plan when buying ($4.75) menu can be found on website
Dismissal out of the Weeks Ave. doors (2:30 for Kindergarten car riders and 2:45 for those with older siblings) cars pull up along Weeks Ave. buses will be parked behind the chapel any change in your child’s normal dismissal procedure must be put in writing to me please check your calendar for early dismissal times
Field Trips we usually take three trips per school year each child may have a parent chaperone one trip we travel by bus
WaterFront Partnership This year the Kindergarten will participate in 3 WaterFront programs: Sea Shells to Sea Creatures-While listening to an enjoyable story about shells, the children interact with the text using their senses to compare and contrast shells based on various properties such as size, shape, color and texture. Stars of the Sound-Kindergarten will enjoy listening to a story then get to meet and touch some of our own local “stars”. To support the text, children get to make and take home their own sea star craft that shows one of the adaptations they learned about during the program. Beach Day-The boys and girls learn how to stay healthy and safe at the beach while learning about some of the organisms that call it their home. Children go on a scavenger hunt to collect shells to create a fun craft to represent their time at the beach.
Conferences and Report Cards Conferences will be held December 11th and March 19th Kindergarten receives report cards in December, March, and June Please sign up for a conference in December and March on the sheets on the big table
Promotion Ceremony takes place June 11th held in the Social Room parents and grandparents are invited a small reception will follow the program
Class Mothers our class mothers are Marianna Ferrantelli and Debra Granito they have organized a mothers’ tea things to be discussed-volunteering to send in snack for holiday parties, promotion ceremony,etc.
Thank you for coming tonight. Looking forward to a great year!!!! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns ext.6310