HEMISPHERIC PROJECT “MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATIVE CERTIFICATION FOR TRAINING AND ACREDITATION OF LABOR AND KEY COMPETENCIES IN SECONDARY EDUCATION” Brazil presentation: Regional and national situation Claudia C.Baena Soares & Gleisson Cardoso I Hemispheric Coordination Meeting Costa Rica, August 25 th to 27 th, 2004.
SUB-REGION MERCOSUR ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, BRAZIL, CHILE, PARAGUAY, URUGUAY Nowadays, countries are working in this way: To promote public politics to strengthen the national systems of technical or technological education. Structure the legal frame.
SUB-REGION MERCOSUR ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, BRAZIL, CHILE, PARAGUAY, URUGUAY To establish national sub-systems that join all actors or (stakeholders). To promote a systems of quality management of technical education of medium level. ( high school) To develop professional certification systems.
BRAZIL Development Process of a national system of professional certification Phase 1: Preparation of a diagnoses Mapping normative –legal existent frames. Study or a research of the socio-economic importance of professional education
BRAZIL Development Process of a National system of Professional certification Phase 2: Establishment of principles and guidelines Political definition of a professional certification focuses on principles, guidelines and values with the conception of a professional certification adopted.
BRAZIL Development Process of a national system of professional certification Phase 3: Definition of an institutional model The structuring of the professional certification system, after the analysis of the international and Brazilian experiences will be as : Institutional affair (system, network, levels of centralization and decentralization) Judicial frame (judicial instrument, of creation and regulation)
BRAZIL Development Process of a national system of professional certification Phase 3: Definition of the institutional model (cont…) Attributions of the governmental organs ; NGO´sand private; involved Articulation of the employment public system with the educative system and the productive sector.
BRAZIL Development Process of a national system of professional certification Phase 3: Definition of the institutional model (cont…) Definition of inhibitors mechanisms of exclusion and inclusion social makers. Strategies of implementation: pilot project, priority economical sectors, stages and duration.
BRAZIL Development Process of a national system of professional certification Phase 4: Social participation Social agents involved (stakeholders). Mechanisms of participation of trade unions, employers, educative and private certification institutions. Mechanisms of public consult.
BRAZIL Development Process of a national system of professional certification Phase 5: Public beneficiaries Identification of public beneficiaries of the professional certification system, focusing on: Access criteria. Priority economic sectors
BRAZIL Development Process of a national system of professional certification Phase 6: Financing of the professional certification system Public, private and individual sources. Modalities of access to credit lines, and resources.
BRAZIL Development Process of a national system of professional certification Phase 7: Assessment methodologies of professional attitudes. Research of the different international models and experiences existent in a national level. Critical analysis of the methodological development in the professional certification field.
BRAZIL Development Process of a national system of professional certification Phase 8: Control and evaluation model of the professional certification system. Institutional control mechanisms. Monitoring system and evaluation efficiency, efficacy and social effectiveness.