Report of Closing Plenary Shuichi Matsumoto (GSC Chair) Rapporteurs: Nicole Butler & Julian Pritchard SOURCE:GSC Chair TITLE:Report of Closing Plenary AGENDA ITEM:Closing 13 CONTACT:Rapporteurs
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" OpeningGRSCGTSCIPRUserUser Workshop Closing Attendance Delegations (104 people in total) ARIBATISISACCITU (T+R) TIATTATTCETSICCSAObs
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" Meeting schedule and social events Time & dateSun. 8 JulyMon. 9 JulyTue. 10 JulyWed. 11 JulyThu. 12 JulyFri, 13 July 09:00-10:30 Opening Plenary 301 GRSC GTSC 301 GRSC GTSC 301 User Workshop Closing Plenary #2 3A 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-12:30 Opening Plenary 301 GRSC GTSC 301 GRSC GTSC 301 User Workshop Closing Plenary #2 3A 12:30-14:00Lunch HoD-only Lunch Portopia Hotel LunchLunch (box) 14:00-15:30 Opening Plenary 301 GRSC GTSC 301 GRSC GTSC 301 IPR WG 403 User Workshop :30-16:00 HoD MTG 403 Coffee 16:00-17:30 Opening Plenary 301 GRSC GTSC 301 GRSC GTSC 301 IPR WG 403 User Workshop :00-20:00 Welcome Reception Portopia Hotel Welcome Dinner Portopia Hotel User WG 403 Admin WG 403 Farewell Dinner Kobe Kachoen The numbers indicate rooms in the Kobe International Conference Center except Friday, when the venue will be in Kobe International Exhibition Hall Building #2, which is in the same neighborhood as the Conference Center.
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" Reporting Opening Plenary (gsc12_closing_02r1) GRSC (gsc12_closing_03r1) GTSC (gsc12_closing_04r1) User WG (gsc12_closing_09r1) Userworkshop (gsc12_closing_10) IPR WG (gsc12_closing_08r1) Admin WG (gsc12_closing_07)
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" Output Resolutions (1) Opening GSC-12/01 – Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization GSC-12/02 – Emergency Communications GSC-12/03 – Network Aspects of Identification Systems GSC-12/04 – Identity Management GSC-12/05 – Open Standards GSC-12/06 – Healthcare ICT Standards GSC-12/07 – IPTV Standards
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" Output Resolutions (2) GRSC5 GSC-12/8 –Public Protection and Disaster Relief GSC-12/9 –Global UWB Standardization including UWB Radar and Sensor/Imaging Applications GSC-12/10 –GSC ITS Task Force GSC-12/11 –Software Defined Radio s (SDR) GSC-12/12 –Support for WSC Workshop on ICT in Motor Vehicles – Geneva 2008 GSC-12/13 –Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast GSC-12/14 –Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies for Assessing Human Exposure to RF Energy GSC-12/15 –Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies, associated Measurement Uncertainty and Calibration GSC-12/16 –Radio Microphone and Cordless Audio Standardization GSC-12/17 –Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" Output Resolutions (3) GTSC5 GSC-12/18 –Next-Generation Networks (NGN) GSC-12/19 –Cybersecurity GSC-12/20 –Home networking GSC-12/21 – IP over Broadband Accesses in support of convergence IPR WG GSC-12/22 – Intellectual Property Rights Policy GSC-12/23 – Cooperation with Patent and Trademark Offices User WG GSC-12/24 – Personally Identifiable Information Protection GSC-12/25 – User Needs, Considerations and Involvement
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" Other Output (1) GSC agreed that PSOs are invited to provide the following information to the ITU-T for the repository of events: –name of organizer –topic –date of event –location of the event –brief outline –link to a relevant website –ITU will provide more detail on the format for this information
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" Other Output (2) Regarding IP over Broadband Access it was agreed to keep this subject as a separate HIS in both GTSC and GRSC and remove this item from the Opening Plenary for GSC-13. It was noted that it would be important to address the issues raised in the User Workshop in the User Working Group. The GSC-12 Communiqué was approved (gsc12_closing_12r1)
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" Proposed list of subjects for GSC-13 Opening Plenary High Interest Subjects Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization (PPSO: ARIB) Emergency Communications (PPSO: TIA) Security and Lawful Interception (PPSO: TIA) Fora and Consortia (PPSO: TTA) Identity Management (PPSO: ITU) (new) Healthcare ICT (PPSO: ISACC) IPTV (PPSO: ATIS) Intelligent Transportation Systems (PPSO: TIA) Other Topics –none at the moment
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" Proposed list of subjects for GRSC6 High Interest Subjects –Location Services (PPSO: ATIS) –RF exposure (PPSO: ETSI) –Measurement uncertainties (PPSO: ETSI) –Wireless access including RLANs & ad-hoc Networking (PPSO: ISACC) –Radio Microphones (PPSO: ETSI) –Intelligent Transportation Systems (PPSO: TIA) –Public protection & Disaster relief (PPSO: TIA) –Mobile Multimedia Broadcast & Multicast (PPSO: TIA) –Software defined radio & Cognitive radio (PPSO: TIA) –Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) & RF Identification Devices (RFID) (PPSO: ETSI) –Global Ultra Wide Band (PPSO: ETSI) –Ground-based Air Traffic Management equipment (new) (PPSO: ETSI) –IP Over Broadband Access in support of convergence (PPSO: TTA) Other Topics –Satellite services –Communications onboard Aircraft –Advance wireless services (new)
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" Proposed list of subjects for GTSC6 High Interest Subjects –NGN – General (PPSO: ETSI) –NGN – End-to-End QoS (PPSO: ATIS) –NGN – Service Platforms and Interworking of Services (PPSO: ATIS) –Network Aspects of Identification Systems (PPSO: ITU) (new) –Cybersecurity (PPSO: ATIS) –Home Networking (PPSO: ITU) –IP Over Broadband Access in support of convergence (PPSO: TTA) Other Topics –None at the moment
"Standardization : The Bridge towards Ubiquitous World" GSC-13 – USA (ATIS) 2008 GSC-14 – Europe (ITU) 2009 GSC-15 – China (CCSA) 2010 GSC-16 – Australia (ACIF) 2011 GSC-17 – Canada (ISACC) 2012 GSC-18 – Korea (TTA) 2013 GSC-19 – Europe (ETSI) 2014 GSC-20 – USA (TIA) 2015 then: –Korea (TTA) –Europe (ITU) –China (CCSA) –USA (ATIS/TIA) –Europe (ETSI) –Japan (ARIB/TTC) Planning for next meetings