Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs “ 10 main points to consider as an NGO designing a TVSD program’. ” BU-net, January 2010 Richard Walther, AFD.


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Presentation transcript:

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs “ 10 main points to consider as an NGO designing a TVSD program’. ” BU-net, January 2010 Richard Walther, AFD

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 1 Designing a TVSD program is only possible If you answer to a request made by the a central and local authorities a trade organisation, economic and/or social partners… If you implement « opportunity study » or a « skills need study » at national, sectoral or local level

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 1 bis Designing a TVSD program is only possible : If you adapt your program to the educational level of the intended beneficiaries If you build your program on the skills already acquired by the people you wish to train

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 2 Designing a TVSD program can only succeed if the skills to be acquired Are defined according to the development needs and possibilities of a local community, a trade or a profession Are defined in partnership with the national/local actors/trade organisation themselves

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 2 bis Designing a TVSD program can only succeed if the skills to be acquired Are aiming to insert the trainees into the world of work Are acquired trough training and qualification pathways adapted to the type of jobs and activities trainees are looking for

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 3 Designing a TVSD program has to be part of a global strategy Training activities must be part of a development action (notably regarding any promising outcomes identified) Training activities must be linked to an overall strategic and operational planning at national or local level

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 3 bis Designing a TVSD program has to be part of a global strategy Training activities must be integrated in an overall intervention process involving the different stakeholders concerned Training activities must, as much as possible, help the trainees to go from a logic of survival into one of development

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 4 Designing a TVSD program has to identify the intended impact Context of the demand for training Identification of intended impact Inclusion of training within an overall process Impact analysis in economic social occupational terms Monitoring Evaluation

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 4 bis Designing a TVSD program has to identify the intended impact Improving the quality of production or services Creating more added value in a trade or a sector Helping to launch new activities or jobs …

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 5 Designing a TVSD program has to improve the life of the beneficiaries SD must aim to improve people’s socio- economic circumstances (increased revenue, decent work standards) SD has to help young people or adults to find, as much as possible, activities or jobs where they are living

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 5 bis Designing a TVSD program has to improve the life of the beneficiaries SD has to fight against the poverty of people living in remote areas (rural versus urban areas) SD has to find ways to benefit to young people or adults being illiterate

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 6 Designing a TVSD program has to be focused on sustainable resources and outcomes Financing resources cannot be defined without calculating the bulk of costs the program has to face to be efficient Financing resources have to take into account all the types of costs (running costs, tangible and intangible investment) needed to adapt continuously SD to the development needs

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 6 bis Designing a TVSD program has to be focused on sustainable resources and outcomes Training program for - existing or needed jobs - self-reliance and capacity to create his own activity Real costs and resources needed to reach internal/ external efficiency Type of training (school based, cooperative training, profession- nalisation pathways… Following and assessing the insertion into local market or trade

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 7 Designing a TVSD program has to favor an public/private partnership Profession and skills standards defined and assessed in common between all public and private actors Acquisition of the skills at workplace General and technical knowledges Common definition of curriculum and pedagogical tools Employer Training center Apprentice/trainee Profession and skills standards defined and assessed in common between all public and private actors Artisans/micro-unit/company Training center Apprentice/trainee

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 8 Designing a TVSD program may lead to restructuring traditional SD pathways (the case of West Africa) Updating the occupational standards of tradional apprenticeship Retraining the masters Introducing general and technical training Leading the existing SD to recognised qualifications

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 8 bis Designing a TVSD program may lead to linking occupation and professionnalisation Developping public works in order to insert and qualify young people (Ethiopia, South Africa) Creating opportunities for young people to be placed in local enterprises or communities and qualified on and trough the job (Ivory Coast and West and Central Africa common project)

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 9 Designing a TVSD program has to respond to the need for equity Linking global needs and individual needs Responding to the lack of SD pathways for –Low educated people –Girls/women –Rural population –Post-conflict population…

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Point 10 A designed TVSD program has to be Integrated in a national qualifications framework Piloted trough partnership Supported by sustainable financial means Regularly assessed in terms of equality/efficiency of access and outcomes

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Appendix: the present SD scheme Alternance Non formal training pathways Traditional apprenticeship Dual apprenticeship Modern apprenticeship School based training

Richard Walther, TVSD: the role of NGOs Appendix: the new SD paradigme National qualifications framework School based training Recognition of the skills acquired non formally and informally Insertion and professionnalisation Alternance training/ apprenticesh ip