Food and Textile Technology How to write an Introduction
Prepare the Header and footer Header: VSA Year 9 Technology --- Food Technology Ms. Catherine Cheung Footer:Your Name, Your Homeroom Finish Date Introduction
How to write an introduction 1st Paragraph Identify the task Tell me the unit, the unit question, the AOI, the unit concept and the task eg. In Year 9 Food technology lesson, I am going to make some healthy lunch box for the runners….
How to write an introduction 2nd Paragraph Identify the problem and explain eg. Everyone need healthy diet to grow, repair damaged cells, get energy and keep healthy. Different people have different dietary requirements on their food choices. Runners need more energy for practices and races….
How to write an introduction 3rd Paragraph What you are going to do in the project Eg. In this task, I am going through the whole design cycle, including investigation, design, plan, create and evaluation.During the process, I think I will be able to understand the concept of the unit question of the project…..
How to write an introduction 4th Paragraph our Expectation on your product Eg. Lastly, I hope my healthy lunch box will …… They might also spread the positive message of a balanced diet. …. I could learn…...
Remarks in introduction Use Write in Paragraph Include 1. Identify the task show your understanding on a) the topic, b) the unit question, c) the unit concept and d) the area of interaction e) the task 2. Identify the problem show your understanding about the problem, eg.The situation of the problem, the factors of the problem) 3. Brief Plan on how you will do (the design cycle) 4. Your Expectation or Aim of the task