2 SEEREN The SEEREN2 initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP6 Research Infrastructures contract no Work Package 6 Valentino Cavalli, TERENA SEEREN2 PSC Meeting, Bucharest, 16 January 2006
Athens, October 13 th, Participants and budget oLead partner TERENA, budget ~97,000 oParticipants: oGRNET~30,900 oAMREJ~11,000 oMARnet~6,300 oINIMA~3,600 oBIHARNET~3,200 oMREN~3,100
Athens, October 13 th, Activities o6.1 Communication infrastructure (GRNET, Dimitra) o6.2 Promotional package (MARnet, Margita) o6.3 Train project staff/infrastructure users (TERENA, Valentino) o6.4 Conferences and workshops (TERENA, Valentino) o6.5 Liaison activities (GRNET, Dimitra)
Athens, October 13 th, Communication infrastructure oDesign, develop, evaluate and maintain a content-reach portal oRepository for all project documents, distribution list archives – electronic bulletin board – meeting information oPublic web site oMailing lists (not mentioned explicitly) oAnything else? Deliverables 2a SEEREN portal (submitted) 2b (M29) oPartners involved: GRNET +
Athens, October 13 th, Promotional package oProvides a platform for PR communication and dissemination of information about SEEREN2 – Branding oProject brochure (done) oPowerpoint presentation (done) oPoster oVideo oNewsletters (1 done) when others? Deliverable 3a Promotional package (published) 3b (M29) oPartners involved GRNET + TERENA + all beneficiary NRENs
Athens, October 13 th, Train project staff/infrastructure users oTransfer technical knowledge produced in WP5 to network engineers (NOC) and users of network services including tutorials and hands-on demonstration labs o2 training events – course material to be produced by WP5 experts oSubjects? oDeliverable 14a Training workshop (M15) 14b (M25) oPartners involved TERENA + AMREJ + beneficiary NRENs
Athens, October 13 th, Conferences and workshops oProject partners participating in conferences and events oOrganise sessions at TNC2006 and TNC2007 oOrganise a conference track at YUINFO conference 2007 oDemonstration and exhibition at IST and related concertation events oIs there going to be a SEEREN2 network launch event? Locally to be defined oDeliverables 10a Session at TNC (M12) 16 Conference track in the region (M19) 10b Session at TNC (M24) oPartners involved TERENA + AMREJ + GRNET (Concertation) + Beneficiary NRENs
Athens, October 13 th, Liaison activities oLiaise with pan-European and international e-infrastructure projects oSeek additional funds by contact with funding bodies and industrial sponsors oForm a Technical Advisory Board to provide advice on technical matters and provide support oDeliverables 17 Liaison activities and future plans (M29) oPartners involved GRNET + TERENA (lead TAB)