Programme Leonardo da Vinci Project LLP-LDV/TOI/2007/PT/18 “AGRONATUR” Graz, 7 th to 9 th September 2009 Ana Isabel Cunha
Thematic/Aims: Project aiming to: -Quality improvement of the European professional training system… -Stengthen the cooperation between different countries and institutions… -Transference of these contents for the new social, economic and languages realities… -Adapt the innovating solutions t other sectores and/or potential beneficiary groups -Contribute for the rural development…. 2
Target groups: Target groups and potential users of the project’s results are well defined according to the aims of “Agronatur” project. Rural population Young people Adults which give up the agriculture activities and with special needs 3
Partnership: 5 Countries (PT+AT+EE+ES+RO) / 7 Partners: 1 - ADRAT – Associação de Desenvolvimento da Região do Alto Tâmega (PT) 2 - ENTER – European Network for transfer and Exploitation os EU project Results (AT) 3 – MTU Siksali Arendusselts (EE) 4 – ADESPER – Agrupación de Desarollo Sostenible y la Promación del Empleo Rural (ES) 5 – Diputación de Palencia (ES) 6 – ADRAL – Agência de Desenvolvimento Regional do Alentejo, S.A (PT) 7 – Centrul de Formare si Inovative pentu Dezvoltare in Carpati (RO) 4
Partnership (2) This scenario guarantees an European Dimension to this project, in terms of identified needs and aims, methodologies and impact Partners are experienced institutions, in areas such as rural development and nature. It permits: - Multilinguistic products (6 languages); - Multicultural /adaptable contents, regarding different national contexts - More quality and visibility to the project and its results 5
Project Management Backoffice of the project, essential for its success and demonstrative of the partners’ willingness and dedication Real involvement and balanced work between partners Permanent contact between partners permits constant updates Regular meetings between partners, leading to effective conclusions Realistic, exhaustive and well structured work plan Use of own funds and guarantee of financial transparency 6
Duration and Financing: Duration of the project : 24 months (01/10/2007 a 30/09/2009) Total cost : ,00 € Total EU funding : ,00 € (75%) 1st payment (40%): ,00 € 7
Transfer of the Products (pilot projects) “IN NATURE” PROJECT: Training manual Interactive and multilinguistic CD-ROM Internet site “ACTIVE TURISM” PROJECT: Active Turism Guide” Internet site 8
“AGRONATUR” Expected results R1 - Training Manual R2 - Pilot Course R3 - Internet site R4 - Transnational Seminars R5 - Collaboration Agreements R6 - Trainees Data Base for the pilot-project R7 - Translation and update of the thematic contents R8 - Leaflet/Brochure R9 – Basic Linguistic Guide 9
CHANGES TO THE PROJECT 01/10/2008 – Changes to the budget per item (reduction of “operational costs” and increase of “subcontracting” costs) and per partner 04/03/2009 – Changes to the budget (reduction of “operational costs” and increase of “subcontracting” costs) 10
INTERIM REPORT – WPs developed WP1 - Management and Monitoring to (24th months) WP2 - Valorisation and Difusion Plan to (24th months) WP3 – Kick of project and organization of the working groups to (6th months) WP4 – Adjust and update of contents to (6th months) In this stage, the parnership completed 4 WP’s in a total of 6. 11
INTERIM REPORT – Quality assessment 2 Transational meetings (PT and RO) Valorisation plan and difusion of information (38 information sessions; publication of first leaflet) Creation of a internal group to assess the work developed during the 1st period of project although Need do develop the internet site during the 2nd period of project ( 12
INTERIM REPORT – Financial assessment Some costs not eligible (equipment) Some costs were reclassified in the correct budget headings 2nd payment (40%): ,80 € 13
FINAL REPORT Submission of final report – (Covering the entire period of the project: within 2 months following the end of the project) Dead line - 30/11/2009 Eligibility of Expenses - Attention to the “Guidelines for Administrative and financial management and reporting” 14
ELIGIBILITY OF EXPENSES Eligible direct costs – Are identifiable as specific costs directly linked to performance of the action and which can therefore be booked to it directly. Eligible indirect costs – Are not identifiable as specific costs directly linked to performance of the action, Nevertheless been incurred in connection with the eligible direct costs for the action. They may not include any eligible direct costs. 15
ELIGIBILITY OF EXPENSES Eligible indirect costs – The indirect costs of the action eligible for Community funding is a flat-rate amount set at a maximum of 7% of the total amount of eligible direct costs. These costs need to be justified by accounting documents 16
COSTS CATEGORY Staff costs Travel and Subsistence Equipment costs – may not be more than 10% of the total direct costs of the project Subcontracting costs - may not be more than 30% of the total direct costs of the project Other costs 17
DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH FINAL REPORT Evidence of bank transfers between the Beneficiary and all partners Copies of Subcontracting agreements and invoices – including all Call for tender documentation + Minutes of Consortium meetings + Lists of participants (in consortium meetings, seminars) two copies of each tangible result / product or an electronic version of the product or provide a link, whatever is appropriate. Dissemination materials (publications, leaflets, posters etc.) Financial report 18
SUSTAINABILITY OF THE PROJECT Another Leonardo da Vinci Actions: - Innovation Development (EU) - Multilateral Partnerships (NA) 19
Contacts Portuguese National Agency - Leonardo da Vinci Programme Ana Cunha Telephone: Thank you for your attention! 20