CARBON FOOTPRINT Maha Tufail- English 12
What is carbon footprint? Carbon Footprint is where the impact of your day- by-day activities take place, for example; gas, energy, transportation and how they all take into measure.
Quick Tips on how to save energy, electricity and gas! When drying dishes, only use the dishwasher to wash. Save energy by leaving the dishes to air- dry. When not home.. Turn off the thermostat. Always use cold water to wash clothes, this way you save 4% of energy! Turn off appliances in your home, if they do not need to be used. Unplug any chargers! RECYCLE. Bring your own re- usable bags when doing groceries.
Tips on saving gas Purchase a vehicle that is energy-efficient Plan quick trips for your vehicle Use cruise-control: This helps your car save energy, by being able to maintain a stable speed. When you use overdrive gearing, your car's engine needs to speed goes down.
Tips on how to purchase items Don’t buy bottled water. Just drink the water from your house faucet. This will help you save money too! Buy local fruits & vegetables from your local market or even try growing your own! Try to cut down on your consumption of meat. Buy organic products Don’t ever buy over- packaged items
Carbon footprint calculator My footprint was 1.78 metric tons only because I do not own a car and live within a family of 5 The average footprint for people in United States is metric tons The average for the industrial nations is about 11 metric tons The average worldwide carbon footprint is about 4 metric tons The worldwide target to combat climate change is 2 metric tons
Recyclables Here is an image of a newspaper dress- this could be known as a recyclable.
Recyclables Consider using these bags when going grocery shopping.
Watch these 2 videos! This might help you understand better about why it is important to recycle and take carbon footprints serious. Dvb7Exo Dvb7Exo
Citations " Climate Change - Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - YouTube." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan "Carbon Footprint - What Is A Carbon Footprint?." Carbon Footprint - Home of Carbon Management. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan "Free Carbon Footprint Calculator | The Nature Conservancy." Nature Conservancy | Protecting Nature, Preserving Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Jan