What Time Is It?
Introduction Who hasn’t heard this question? –Probably daily –Probably more than once each day There is always one simple answer –“The time is NOW” “Now” is the time we have to... –Live our lives –Serve the Lord –Prepare for eternity Let’s look at some Bible answers to “What time is it?”
2 Corinthians 6:2 “Now” is the accepted time for salvation –The fullness of time has come (Gal 4:4) –The invitation has been extended (Mt 11:28-30) –The church has been established (Mt 16:18) The saved can be added to it (Acts 2:47) You can be part of that church –The gospel has been revealed It is God’s power for salvation (Rom 1:16) It contains all we need (2 Pet 1:3) If you want to be saved, “now” is the time
James 4:13-14 “Now” may be the only time we have –No promise of years, months or even days to come –Ps 103:15-16 Life is brief Life is uncertain Life will soon be over –Heb 9:27 Then we face judgment Are you ready to give an account? –“Now” is the time to get ready
Romans 13: “Now” is the time to awake from sin (v. 11) –Not a natural sleep, or the sleep of death –A moral sleep Our sense of right and wrong has been lulled to sleep –How can we awake from this sleep? Eph 5:1-14 –It’s “high time” to awake, the night is over, the day is at hand (v. 12) Has your moral compass been lulled to sleep? –“Now” is the time to awake
Romans 13: “Now” is the time to lay aside all sin (v. 12) –“cast off” means to remove, like clothing, and toss away, like trash Col 3:8 1 Pet 2:1 James 1:21 Eph 4:22 –We cannot be saved if we continue in sin Rom 6:1-2 Are you still abiding in sin? –“Now” is the time to cast them off
Romans 13: “Now” is the time to put your life on God’s side (v. 12) (“put on the armor of light”) –Put on our spiritual armor (Eph 6:13-17) The war has already begun We must arm ourselves (offensive and defensive) –1 Tim 6:12 Then we must go to battle Can’t win by sitting in our armor at home Are you ready to fight on God’s side? –“Now” is the time
Romans 13: “Now” is the time to walk properly (v. 13) –Our conduct must be appropriate to HIS name and calling Eph 5: Tim 3:14-15 –There is a right and a wrong way to live when one is a Christian –Rom 13:13 “walk … as in the day … ” Live as if every activity will be seen by all Much sin occurs after sundown, live like it’s full day all the time “Now” is the time for proper behavior
Romans 13: “Now” is the time to put on Christ (v. 14) –Clothe yourself with Him in baptism (Gal 3:27) –Follow in His steps (1 Pet 2:21) Have you been delaying becoming a Christian? –“Now” is the time
Conclusion What time is it? –It is “now” –“Now” is all the time we are certain we will ever have –“Now” is the time to obey