Culture and Traditions Dress Codes & Uniforms By: Chelsea Gobourne
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Traditional Attire In Germany - Dirndl is a traditional dress worn by women in Southern Germany. - Uniform for Austrian servants. -Lederhosen are leather pants. -Worn more in the Alpine areas. -Gamsbart is a tuft of hair that’s used as a decorative element to hats. - Used in female clothing as well.
Wedding Attire In Germany <3 Day 1: “Night before wedding” is Stag. Everyone is dressed in an informal attire. Day 2: “Civil Service” held at the court house. The bride wears a blouse and skirt. Day 3+ : The bride wears a white dress with either a short or omitted veil. -Brides wear necklaces and or earrings to compliment their dress. - Bride has no engagement ring. A ring is given once officially married.
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Traditional School Attire In Germany Males Wear - Sailor suits or Lederhosen in some parts of Germany. - Pinafores - Floppy soft hats - Casual shirts and sweaters - Oxford low-cut shoes or heavy boots - To gym class: Knee pants with long stockings Females Wear - To gym class: Middy blouses an bloomers with high stockings. - Dirndl to school as well
Quiz Questions What are Lederhosen? When does the bride wear a blouse and skirt?
Quiz Answers Leather pants worn mostly by Alpine men in Germany. Day 2 of the wedding. Also known as the “Civil Service”.
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