Informational Selection and Multiple Choice OSSLT
Five TIPS on How to Read a Selection TIP #1: Read the title. What do you think the story is about? What is the main idea? EXAMPLE: Romans putting a lock on love
Five TIPS on HOW to Read a Selection Continued Observe and reflect on the image to obtain additional information
Five TIPS on HOW to Read a Selection Continued TIP #3: Read the entire selection and highlight important details: quotations Names, places, dates Using the 5 w’s Specific examples or comparisons to similar issues
Read the entire selection now and highlight details that identify and support the main idea Remember, over highlighting is not helpful!
Five TIPS on HOW to Read a Selection Continued Read ALL the questions carefully
TYPES OF MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS There are a variety of comprehension questions Direct Indirect Making Connections Syntax Vocabulary Organization Graphical
Read ALL the questions NOW
Five TIPS on HOW to Read a Selection Continued Re-Read the selection for better understanding
TIPS on How to Answer Multiple Choice Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6 Read One questions at a time Look at all the answers; don’t skip words Eliminate the answers that you know are wrong Read over the remaining choices before choosing your answer Refer back to the text if you don’t know the answer Select the best or most correct answer
Be Sure to answer ALL the questions Do Not leave ANY blank! Guess if you have too!
Answer the Multiple Choice Questions Now
Responding to Short Writing Task Remember: There are no right or wrong answers Include sufficient details to fill up all the space provided
Responding to Short Writing Task Only scores of 10/30, 20/30 or 30/30 will be given. To pass this section, you must receive a score of 30/30
TIPS 1. Read the question carefully and turn the question into a statement. 2. Brainstorm details from the selection and your own ideas to support your answer in the Rough Notes area of the page
TIPS 3. Explain tour reasons, filling up the 6 lines provided. Sentence 1: Turn the question into a statement indicating your stand Sentence 2: Reason #1 – include specific details Sentence 3: Reason #2 – include specific details Sentence 4: Conclusion – repeat your first statement in a different way
TIPS Proofread your writing. Please make sure to check spelling and grammar
Scoring Guide