by Sandro Mocevic
These classifications are : Mammals Reptile Amphibians Fish Birds
The octopus has certain characteristics that make it a molluck. Some of these attributes are. They are cold-blooded They use gill instead of lungs They live in water and they have soft fleshy skin
A octopus lives in a cave or den by the bottom of the seafloor. This animal has chosen this habitat because his diet includes crustaceans, other octopus, and small fish. Those fish and invertebrates are plentiful there. He has a physical adaptation of using camouflage to be predator and hunter. It protects its eggs in its den or carries the eggs around everywhere on its back.
The octopus is a carnivore. It mainly eats crabs, scallops, snails, fish, turtles, crustaceans {shrimp}, and other octopuses. One adaptation of the octopus is it uses nerve poison and grabs its prey with its eight legs with suction cups {suckers}. Also it kills its prey by biting to poison the prey. Then it softens the flesh and eat it.
The predators are the seal and shark. A adaptation is camouflage because it can make itself look like a venomous sea snake or stingray. Another adaptation is having a very flexible body so it can fit in spaces no bigger than a quarter. Another adaptation is their ink sacks that let them get away from there predators because they are blinded and can’t see the octopus
Another adaptation is female octopus is usually less colorful than the male to tell if its male or female. So people don’t get confused.
The octopus has three hearts and blue blood that pumps to everywhere in the octopus to make him work. The octopus is a cephalopod and a mollusk. An octopus has a suction cup like suckers. The Giant Pacific Octopuses scientific name is Enteroctopus dofleini. After the babies go to the surface the mother soon grows old and dies.
In conclusion, the octopus has adapted to live successfully in his environment. This animal is not on the endangered species list but of all the eggs two grow to be adults. So please help by not killing octopuses.
The sites I used were,, and wikipedia