The Accounting and Financial Market in San Diego: How and When to Approach It - With and Without Recruiters IMA 3/13/03
Introduction The Current San Diego Market The Accounting and Financial Market Recruiters and Career Planning Q&A
The San Diego Marketplace Software Telecommunications Bioscience Computers Military/Defense Real Estate/Construction Tourism Other industries
Diversity in Hi-tech Employment 2002 Source: Economic Research Bureau, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce
More Reasons to Live in San Diego Source: EDD Monthly Press Release, February 2003
Don’t Prejudge Market Needs
Bumps in the Road Potential War with Iraq State Budget Crisis Erosion in Investor Confidence Market Slower to re-absorb CFOs Stock Market still stalled (IPOs)
Good News in San Diego Diversified Industries Strong Networking Opportunities High Quality of Life Creative/Entrepreneurial Climate Resilient Workers
How Do I Approach This Market? When - should I do a job search? When and Why - should I call a recruiter? What - should I expect? How - should I select a recruiter? What - do I do to prepare?
When Is the Right Time to Look for a New Job? When you are approached, listen When you’re not contributing anymore When your company’s future is tenuous At least 6 months before you need to
When & Why Call a Recruiter? Well before it’s critical Career Information – Salary, market Relationship – trusted advisor (like a doctor) Be proactive Confidential exposure
What Should I Expect from the Relationship Care and concern Honest, confidential feedback Trust and integrity A wise use of your time An individual who listens to your needs
What Should I Do to Prepare? Think about: What you expect Think about: Your most and least favorite jobs Think about: Your impression on a recruiter Be Honest Ask questions
How to Assure a Mutually Beneficial Relationship Treat that relationship with value Offer to help them out periodically Touch base yearly for a career reality check Return calls from them Always tell the truth!!!
Summary Two years of slowing after 4 years of exceptional growth Be proactive and lift your head Bloom where you are planted until the next garden
Q & A