This vaccine webinar series is provided as a community service by Homefirst Natural Pharm Source PRESENTS Is the Killer the Parent or the Doctor? Vaccines and Shaken Baby Syndrome Harold Buttram, M.D. See related documents
Shaken Baby Syndrome Born 1925 At present age of 83, I believe I have an advantage in comparing health of children today with drastic increases in autism, A.D.H.D., learning disabilities, asthma, allergies, all of which were uncommon during the relatively innocent times of the 1930’s, based on personal observation.
Shaken Baby Syndrome Graduated from Oklahoma University School of Medicine in Board Qualification in Environmental Medicine Retired in 2008 after 50 years of practice
Shaken Baby Syndrome Large part of later phases of my practice consisted of care of autistic children and related disorders, largely following the program sponsored by the Autism Research Institute, headquartered in San Diego First Shaken Baby Syndrome case – 1999 Written medical legal reports on over 100 cases in defense of parents or caretakers accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome or non accidental injury. Testified in court in over 30 cases
Shaken Baby Syndrome Vaccine Safety Tests: What are they? Why are they important? Why are they key to understanding the debacle of today’s vaccine program?
Shaken Baby Syndrome U.S. Congressional hearings on issues of vaccine safety, , chaired by Congressman Dan Burton revealed gross deficiencies in vaccine safety testing This was reviewed in the book Evidence of Harm by David Kirby Since the conclusion of these hearings, and no doubt in large measure due to them, a significant number of credible scientific studies have appeared in peer-review literature, which in their totality, indicate that significant harm is taking place from today’s vaccine programs.
Shaken Baby Syndrome Appalling health statistics in today’s children Unique vulnerability of the infant brain to inflammatory peroxidative damage and vaccine injury Vaccine Adjuvants Are vaccines necessary?
Shaken Baby Syndrome Thank you