Geography The Republic Early Rome The Punic Wars Pax Romana Important People Hail Ceasar! Potpourri
The geographical feature the city of Rome was built on. Seven Hills 100
The ruling class of wealthy landowners. Patricians 100
These brothers were killed for wanting to give land to the poor. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus 100
During this Punic War, Rome enslaved 50,000 Carthaginians. Third Punic War 100
What “Pax Romana” means. Roman Peace 100
A hero and dictator who served for only 16 days. Cincinnatus 100
What Caesar declared himself. Dictator for Life 100
The shape of the Italian peninsula. A boot 200
The top government officials. Consuls 200
A system of rule where Romans gave full citizenship to some conquered people. Roman Confederation 200
Why the first Punic War was fought. Over control of Sicily 200
What “Augustus” means. “Majestic One” 200
The losers at the Battle of Actium. Antony and Cleopatra 200
The “friend” who helped murder Caesar. Brutus 200
The two key products made from crops produced in Italy. Wine and Olive Oil 300
The year the Republic began. 509 B.C. 300
The years that Rome was founded between. 800 and 700 B.C. 300
The hero of the Second Punic War. Scipio 300
The two main things Augustus reorganized. Government and the military 300
The four Julio-Claudian rulers. Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, & Nero 300
Caesar’s longest lasting legacy. 12 month calendar 300
The important port city at the mouth of the Tiber River. Ostia 400
The judges during the Republic. Praetors 400
Sula’s claim to fame. Professionalized the army 400
Because he terrorized Rome, Hannibal was given this nickname. The scourge of Rome 400
The two groups who benefited most from Rome’s prosperity during the Pax Romana. Merchants and Skilled Workers 400
The “good emperor” who had a great wall built. Hadrian 400
The famous advice Caesar should not have ignored. Beware the Ides of March 400
These form the basis of our legal system. Twelve Tables 100
Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus. The 2 nd Triumvirate 200
The story of the legend of a Trojan Hero who is said to have founded Rome. The Aeneid 300
The members of the First Triumvirate. Crassus, Pompey, Caesar 400