Red Fern Vocabulary
Section 1 Chapters 1-5 (I-V) Allotted- given to Aromatic- pleasant smell Canebrakes- piece of ground covered by a lot of growth Commotion- confused and noisy disturbance Dormant- alive but not active
Section 1 continued Drastic- extreme Dumbfounded- greatly astonished or amazed Festered- to get worse/won’t go away Muster- gather up Provisions- basic needs Quavering- shake or tremble
Section 1 continued Sheen- shine or glisten Sparsely- spread out Squalling- crying out/yelling
Section 2 Chapters 6-9 (VI-IX) Bulldogged- determined, won’t let go Desperation- hopelessness Domain- area of reign, territory Eternity- forever Gouge- cut out Hampering- holding back Jarred- struck against, moved forcefully
Section 2 continued Limbered- flexible, able to move Liniment- liquid or lotion used for rubbing on the body Mischievous- naughty, causes trouble Peculiarity- odd or strange Persistence- constant trying, staying with something
Section 2 Querying- a doubt or questioning Sober voice- with sad or emotionless tone Wedge- driven in between Winced- flinching/grimacing in pain
Section 3 Chapters (X-XIII) Abounded- to have a lot of or number of Begrudgingly- not willing, not wanting to Belligerent- aggressive, mean, loud Clambered- to move or get out of in awkward way Debris- parts, wreckage, or trash Decoration Day- Memorial Day
Section 3 continued Designated- appointed or assigned person or thing Disposition- someone’s mood or feeling they give off Leering- look at unpleasantly Nonchalantly- carefree or without much care Predicament- situation
Section 3 continued Protruding- sticking out Riffle- a rocky shoal or sandbar Rile- to annoy or irritate someone Salve- an ointment used for healing Shriveled- to shrink or coil up Sidled- walk in a timid way Slough- marsh
Section 3 continued Strutted- walk in an arrogant or cocky way Surpassed- to go above or past Taut- stretched or pulled tight Ventilating- let air out or in Wattle- colored fleshy lobe hanging from a turkey’s neck Wallowing- roll around, stay in
Section 4 Chapters (XIV – XVIII) Awed- amazed, respectful Blurted- to say out or call out Dabbing- to press against or hesitate Doused- pour something (like liquid) over Droning- constant low humming sound Faltered- to lose strength or hesitate Fidget- small quick movements, not sitting still
Section 4 continued Flitting- move swiftly Gawking- stare at wide eyed Gloated- be happy about something bad happening Haggard- looking exhausted or not well heedless- without thought or care Impulsively- without thinking Jinx- brings bad luck
Section 4 continued Leeward- the side sheltered from the wind Pent up- built up inside Restored- to bring back Solemn- very sad Squabble- a noisy quarrel Verge- on the edge or about to
Section 5 Chapters (XIX- XX) Berserk- crazy with anger Blood curdling- awful, deathly scream Caress- touch softly Churring- prolonged sound Cleaved- to split with something sharp Disembowel- inside, “guts” come out due to a wound Entrails- the insides of an animal, “guts”
Section 5 continued feeble- lacking strength, weak Foliage- leaves Impact- shock or collision Jugular- neck or throat Legend- a story passed on Lithe- thin and graceful Petrified- extremely scared
Section 5 continued Predatory- animal that stalks and eats prey Scourge- a person or thing that causes great suffering Sinews- a tough tissue connecting muscle and bone Wavered- shake, become unsteady
Multiple Choice Answers Chapters 1 and 2 1. b11. a 2. a12. d 3. d 4. a 5. d 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. c
MC continued Chapter 3 1. c9. c 2. b10. b 3. c11. c 4. c12. b 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. d
MC continued Chapters 4-5 1. b10. b 2. c11. a 3. a12. c 4. a13. b 5. d14. a 6. b15. c 7. b16. d 8. a17. d 9. d
MC continued Chapter 6 1. a10. d 2. d11. b 3. a12. b 4. b 5. c 6. d 7. a 8. c 9. c
MC continued Chapters 1-7 1. c10. d19. a 2. c11. b20. c 3. d12. b 4. c13. a 5. a14. d 6. c15. a 7. a16. b 8. c17. c 9. c18. b
MC continued Chapter 8 1. b10. b 2. c11. d 3. b12. b 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. c 9. d
MC continued Chapter 9 1. b9. d 2. b10. b 3. c11. c 4. a12. a 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. b
MC continued Chapters 8-11 1. a10. d 2. b11. c 3. d12. b 4. a13. d 5. b14. d 6. b15. c 7. b16. a 8. a 9. a
MC continued Chapter 12 1. a9. a or b 2. c or a10. a 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. b 7. b 8. c
MC continued Chapter 13 1. b10. a 2. d11. b 3. b12. d 4. a13. b 5. a14. c 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. a
MC continued Chapter 14 1. c10. c 2. a11. d 3. c12. c 4. b 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. c 9. c
MC continued 1. a10. a 2. c11. b 3. b12. d 4. b13. a 5. b14. b 6. c 7. c 8. b 9. a
MC continued Chapters 8-15 (8-12) 1. b10. b 2. b11. a 3. c12. c 4. a13. b 5. a14. c 6. a15. a 7. d16. c 8. b 9. d
MC continued Chapters 1. b11. d 2. c12. d 3. c13. b 4. d14. d or a 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. a 9. a 10. d
MC continued Chapters 1. a10. a 2. b11. c 3. a12. a 4. c13. c 5. d 14. a 6. a15. a 7. c16. d 8. b 9. c