MATTHEW Chapter 24:1-14 WHAT WILL BE THE SIGN OF YOUR COMING? I.INTRODUCTION A.2 studies - the 8 “woes”.
1. “Self-check” to see if “religion” crept into our lives. 2.Being a “hypocrite” none of us desire. a) Easy to preach what we do not practice! b) A vital walk becomes important.
c) Keep our walk with the Lord real. (1) What the Lord desires of us. B.This morning - the Olivet Discourse. 1.Seems rudimentary:
a) From the Mount of Olives. (1) Matthew 24:3 b) “discourse” = dialog (1) Discussion between Jesus and His disciples. (a) Announcement Jerusalem would be destroyed.
II.MATTHEW 24:1 A.May seem odd at first: 1.Matthew 23:37 a) “your house” = the Temple! (1) Enormity of the Temple buildings.
(2) 70 feet long, 10 wide, and 8 high. III.MATTHEW 24:2 A.They can’t comprehend! 1.They make their way to the Mount of Olives.
IV.MATTHEW 24:3 A.Disciples try to make some sense of it all. 1.Hope Jesus was going to set up His kingdom. a) His kingdom not until His second coming!
V.MATTHEW 24:4-6 A. “Events” that will come to pass: 1.Wars and rumors of wars! a) Has come to pass. (1) Wars the U.S. involved.
(1) Israel always at war. VI.MATTHEW 24:7-8 A.From World Net Daily. 1. God is the connection! a) Verse 8
b) Disciples would be thinking, “Sorry I asked!” (1) There is more: VII.MATTHEW 24:9-10 A.It is prophetic also. 1.Christians will become the “scourge”!
a) Many will fall away. b) Today, become a Christian, it could cost your life! VIII.MATTHEW 24:11-14 A.Reason for the delay - verse 14
1.2Peter 3: The Lord will take as much time as needed. a) 2Peter 3:8 (1) The world will be judged! IX.CONCLUSION
A.Close with the remainder of 2 Peter chapter Peter 3:11- 18