It’s In Your Hands Celebrating the first decade of a new culture
It began with Manifesto 2000 Nobel Peace Laureates proposed… In Paris
six simple principles that could end the scourge of war…
and create
a Culture of Peace & Non-Violence
For all the world’s people!
These six principles are not only directed to Nations…
…nor just to politicians or powerful leaders…
! …they apply to everyone, everywhere!
Respect All Life... Respect the life and dignity of each human being without discrimination or prejudice.
Reject Violence… Practice active non-violence… rejecting violence in all its forms: physical sexual psychological economical and social in particular towards the most deprived and vulnerable such as children and adolescents.
Preserve the Planet… Promote consumer behaviour that is responsible and development practices that respect all forms of life … and preserve the balance of nature on the planet.
Listen to Understand… Defend freedom of expression and cultural diversity… giving preference always to dialogue and listening, without engaging in fanaticism, defamation and the rejection of others.
Share with Others… Share my time and resources in a spirit of generosity …to put an end to exclusion, injustice, and political and economic oppression.
Rediscover Solidarity… Contribute to the development of my community, with the full participation of women and respect for democratic principles, in order to create together new forms of solidarity.
These six principles create a circle of positive choices that can help reduce conflict - both big and small Respect all Life Reject Violence Preserve the Planet Listen to Understand Share with Others Rediscover Solidarity
Instead of force, or telling people what not to do, these principles all remind us what needs to be done!
These principles help people to live well together. How could they apply to a city like Hamilton?
Respect All Life: Who could apply this principle ? City Council all departments Public education system Schools, Colleges, Universities Police Services Justice System Provincial Government Human rights and Charter Business leaders Religious leaders All citizens
Reject Violence: Religious leaders Parents and caregivers Police Services Justice system Violence against women Sexual assault centres Victim services John Howard Society Elizabeth Fry Society Anti-bullying groups etc.
Preserve the Planet: Who can help? All environmental groups Provincial government Business Anti-pollution initiatives Alternate energy systems Cutting greenhouse gasses Conserving green space Public pressure Religious leaders
Listen to Understand: Religious leaders, all faiths Federal and Provincial Govts. Law Courts Police Restorative Justice efforts Healing circles and circles of support Gay rights Business & Union workers Parents and caregivers Conflict Resolution methods
Share with others Fair priced public utilities water, electricity, transportation etc. City bylaws and regulations Public Parks and playgrounds Responsible business practices Poverty reduction Food banks Immigration services Public access to beaches, youth gyms Health and housing assistance Charitable donations
Rediscover Solidarity Interfaith Groups Religious Leaders Civil society Ethical work environments Strong women’s groups Local initiatives Equitable housing Parks and open spaces Fair city policies Safe neighbourhoods
Some Culture of Peace Hamilton members have been working to apply these principles locally for ten years. They are presently doing Social Geography research.
Research like this could lead the city to establish a Culture of Peace Commission (a first in Canada)
A Culture of Peace is not only possible, it is what most communities strive for
Lots of people already practice these principles in their daily lives
To raise funds and spread the Manifesto, Peace Dollars are available at $1 each
Each Peace Dollar has the six U.N. principles printed on its back
keep reaching out… the future is in your hands