Late Roman Empire
Fall of (Western) Rome Emperor lives at Constantinople 313 Edict of Milan – religious freedom 410 – Alaric (Master of Soldiers) of the Visigoths (Arians) sacks Rome – Vandals (Arians) invade Spain, then took all of northern Africa
Attila the Hun, 440s
Hun Empire
Attila the Hun “Scourge of God” 445 – Attila takes over Huns from brother Bleda Terrorized central and northern Europe and Central Asia, Eastern Romans paid tribute 451 – lost Battle of Catalaunian Plains to combined Roman and Visigoth forces 452 – Pope Leo I persuaded him to not attack Rome
Growth of The Franks
Merovingian Dynasty of The Franks – Clovis conquers many parts of Gaul Clovis = Louis Converted to Roman Catholicism
Meanwhile…over in the East Justinian – “Last of the Romans”, Empress Theodora ruled alongside wisely Roman Emperor from Builds Hagia Sofia (correction) Belisarius – favorite general, successful in Persia and winning back Africa from Vandals, won Italy back temporarily Stopped use of Latin in government, used Greek Most famous for codifying Roman civil law
Just before reconquest
Just after reconquest
Loss of Italy again
After Justinian High taxes to pay for western wars Persia attacked Byzantines Emperor Heraclius eventually prevailed, sacks Persepolis Both empires devastated, unprepared for invading Muslim armies from Arabia Many territories too tired, gladly accepted new rulers
The state of the West Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals all weakened Franks (the least Roman-educated group) poised to fill the vacuum left Christianity still the predominant religion Pope still in Rome