By : Monae’ Dandridge Technology Pd. 10 th
From The Beginning... The first cell phone was created by a former Motorola employee Dr. Martin Cooper in 1973 of April. The first cell phones weight an outstanding 794 grams and it measured 10 inches tall. Defiantly unlike today's phones who are light and little and simple. Motorola is the first company to introduce the first portable cell phone. The original idea for a phone that could travel with you was revolutionary but scientists believed it was an achievable idea. The FCC didn't help, however, in the beginning and would not allot enough radio spectrum frequencies to make the project work.
The First Phone.... The first phone was called the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X as held in the inventor Martin Cooper hand to the right. Motorola has been developing the communication technology of cellular phones for decades then they finally succed. The Motorola DynaTAC took 15 years of development before it could be made available in the market. The phone was about 28 ounces and its dimensions were 13 x 1.75 x 3.5 inches like a brick. During that time the Motorola DynaTAC was the so-called high tech and advanced cell phone unit.
The Company... Motorola – is a company that has been running since September 25, 1928 with its first product being a battery eliminator. Motorola is a big company featuring the police with their products. Motorola's car radios were initially sold to Police departments across America and by 1937 further communication advancements enabled them to launch a two-way version which allowed Police to communicate whilst on patrol. Motorola actually made the first one pager as well in 1956 which was used in hospitals to send radio messages to specific individuals.
Dr. Martin Cooper Born December 26, 1928 He Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. His parents were Ukrainian immigrants. He still lives to this day he is 81 years of age. Before he invented the cell phone he was in the Korean War. The price for the first phone was $ 3,995. A lot of money from then and now !
Picture of Phone Of Today
How Phones Has Changed. Phones of today has change in many ways since the very first phones. There have became lighter than the original phone today weight up to 2 or 3 grams. There are different types touch, flip, slide (keyboard ) solar, and etc. The phones of today have a whole new network of technology different things : Like the internet, multiple calling, texting, and etc. Another thing is that there are many different companies
Cell Phones Used For... Some popular things that they are use for are : -Texting.... -Communicating local and national -The World Wide Web -Business -Personal Interest -Etc.
Statistics..... A majority (57%) of teens view their cell phone as the key to their social life. There are over 2.14 billion cell phone subscribers in the world in 2005 and this number has doubled nowadays. More than half of the respondents (52%) agree that the cell phone has become a new form of entertainment. One-third of teens play games on their phone. 80% say their cell phone provides a sense of security while on the go, confirming that the cell phone has become their mobile safety net when needing a ride (79%), getting important information (51%), or just helping out someone in trouble (35%). Teens carry cell phones to have access to friends, family and current events. Though only one in five (18%) teens care to pinpoint the location of their family and friends via their cell phone, 36% hate the idea of a cell phone feature that allows others to know their exact location.