n The Redfish is a large fish that is usually found in schools in the ocean and in shallow rivers, flats, and lagoons.
n The Redfish eats small Blue Crabs, shrimp, small mullet, and also Menhaden. n It’s worldwide population is 200,000,000. n The Redfish male reproduces by finding a nest of eggs and fertilizing them by releasing sperm into the nearby water. Thus creating a patch of fertilized eggs.
n Description: chin without barbels; copper bronze body, lighter shade in clear waters; one to many spots at base of tail (rarely no spots); mouth horizontal and opening downward; scales large.
n n Avg. Size: 32-40", max. 60” n n Distribution:Throughout entire Gulf Coast. n n Habitat: Coastal waters and estuaries around reefs, sand and mud bottoms. n n Behavior: Tends to gather in schools. Adult, mature fish migrate to open waters during winter months. Found throughout bays in summer months.
n n Red drum are primarily bottom feeders, particularly fond of portunid and xanthid crabs and shrimp. n They also feed in midwater and at the surface. They feed by both visual and tactile stimuli. In shallow water they are sometimes seen "browsing" head- down and rooting the bottom.
n The nomenclature of the Redfish is: Family Sciaenidae, DRUMS Sciaenops ocellatus