Viability Assessments Simplified
C Bold = Current Indicator Ratings Italics = Desired Conservation Target Enter # of Target CategoryKey AttributeIndicator PoorFairGoodVery Good Current Rating 1Pigs and DeerSizePopulation size & dynamicshunting return per unit effort (overnight trip) hunting with guns yields < 3 animals hunting with guns yields 3-4 animals one hunting session would get 5- 9 animals with a spear hunting with spear will get you 10+ animals Poor 2Catches from the SeaSizePopulation size & dynamicsfish catch per daycatch = 0>0 <30 strings of fish strings of fish > 100 strings of fish Fair 2Catches from the SeaSizePopulation size & dynamicsshrimp catch per day0-1/4 bucket1/4-1/2 bucket 1/2 bucket - 1 bucket >= 1 bucket Fair 3Collections from the Sea SizePopulation size & dynamicsshellfish catch per day< 1/2 sack/day 1/2-3 sack/day 3-5 sack/day> 5 sack/day Fair 4Mangrove ForestConditionavailability of subsistence goods Availability of sea produce from mangrove forest difficult to find sea produce good sites at reasonable distance slight reduction not difficult Very Good Assessment of Target Viability: Bintuni Bay Nature Reserve
Comments for Current Ratings: Pigs and Deer:: 10 years ago estimate = Very Good. These are animals which live in the mangrove forest, and are used for local consumption and for sale. Ten years ago, Pigs/Deer was in good condition (they could be caught using torches and machetes, hunting was close to home, one session with a spear could yield up to 10 animals); the current condition is fair (animals are easily scared, difficult to hunt with machetes, hunting is at a distance from home, one session with a spear could yield up to 5 animals); whereas the predicted future condition is bad (a hunt will only meet a few individuals, hunting with guns will yield only 3 animals. This deterioration is due to an increase in human population, infrastructure development, and clearance of forest. Catches from the Sea 10 years ago - Very Good This means produce from the sea comprising fish and shrimps which are caught for local consumption and for sale. The current condition of Catches from the Sea is fair (half a bucket of shrimp can be caught on high tides using a net, and fishing is good at moderate distance from home, with a net can catch 100 stringers). Ten years ago the condition was very good (a bucket of shrimp could be caught on high tides using a net, and fishing was good close from home, with a net could catch 200 stringers). Whereas ten years into the future the condition is expected to be poor (quarter of a bucket of shrimp can be caught on high tides using a net, and fishing is a long distance from home, with a net can catch 30 stringers). This reduction in quality is due to commercial fishing by trawlers even inside the small rivers, and to catching using poisons. Collections from the Sea. 10 years ago - Very Good. This means poduce from the sea as crabs and shellfish, that are collected for food and to sell. Ten years ago Collections from the Sea was in very good condition (crabs could be collected in abundance, collecting sites were close to home; shellfish could easily be collected in abundance, up to 5 sacks per person). The current condition is fair (crabs can be collected fairly easily, but at 5 times the distance from home; shellfish are not difficult to find in abundance, up to 3 sacks per person); but the future condition of Collections from the Sea is estimated to be poor (crabs will only be collected far from home; shellfish could only be collected further from home, up to half a sack per person). For crabs this change in condition is due to them being eaten by monitor lizards and captured by fish trawls; shellfish are found in muddy, shallow, sites (up to the ankles) in clear water. Mangrove Forest 10 years ago - Very Good The condition of Mangrove Forest ten years ago, currently, and ten years into the future is expected to be very good (as utilisation of Mangrove Forest is still limited to traditional uses). Although the condition is very good, there has been a small loss in quality due to worries about mangrove clearance for shrimp ponds and for shifting sites of log-ponds [for loading timber onto barges Assessment of Target Viability: Bintuni Bay Nature Reserve
Successive passes/iterations for viability assessment 1st iteration = first credible iteration of a conservation action plan –1st pass = possible level of detail entered in the first draft of the target viability table –2nd pass = possible level of detail entered as part of the 1st iteration but after completion of threats and strategies tables 2nd iteration = second iteration of a conservation action plan (1-5 years after completion of the first iteration)
Focal Target Viability Assessment – KEA & Indicator example Indicator Ratings Bold=Current Italics=Desired Focal Target CategoryKey AttributeIndicatorPoorFairGoodVery Good Date of Current Rating Date for Desired Rating grassland - Type X Landscape Context fire regimefire frequency not enough fire grassland - Type X Size Size/extent of characteristic communities / ecosystems aerial extent in acres > 100,000 acres Aug-04 1st iteration – 1st pass
Indicator Ratings Bold=Current Italics=Desired Focal Target CategoryKey AttributeIndicatorPoorFairGoodVery Good Date of Current Rating Date for Desired Rating grassland - Type X Landscape Context fire regimefire frequency not enough fire grassland - Type X Landscape Context fire regimefire frequency > 10 years 5-10 years Aug-04Aug-14 grassland - Type X Size Size/extent of characteristic communities / ecosystems aerial extent in acres > 100,000 acres Aug-04 1st iteration – 2nd pass Focal Target Viability Assessment – KEA & Indicator example
Indicator Ratings Bold=Current Italics=Desired Focal Target CategoryKey AttributeIndicatorPoorFairGoodVery Good Date of Current Rating Date for Desired Rating grassland - Type X Landscape Context fire regimefire frequency not enough fire grassland - Type X Landscape Context fire regimefire frequency > 10 years 5-10 years Aug-04Aug-14 grassland - Type X Landscape Context fire regime fire frequency - % grassland occurrence with return interval of 5-10 years <25%25-50%51-75%>75%Aug-04Aug-14 grassland - Type X Size Size/extent of characteristic communities / ecosystems aerial extent in acres < 75,000 acres 75,000to 100,000 acres > 100,000 acres Aug-04 2nd iteration Focal Target Viability Assessment – KEA & Indicator example