(chondro = cartilage, ichthyes = fish) Ichthyology = study of fish Skeleton – cartilage
Dorso-ventrally flattened body Dorso-ventrally flattened body Large, wing-like pectoral fins Large, wing-like pectoral fins Gill openings on ventral side of head Gill openings on ventral side of head Habitat – shallow water Habitat – shallow water
Sting rays
Manta Ray
Giant Manta Ray
Skate Rays
Placoid (dermal) scales, embedded in skin, feel like sand-paper Placoid (dermal) scales, embedded in skin, feel like sand-paper No gill covers No gill covers No swim bladder – No swim bladder – swim or sink Fusiform body – Fusiform body –streamlined great for swimming
Placoid Scales
Teeth - triangular, up to 3,000, in rows, ready to pop up Shark facts
Senses: Smell – Smell – very acute can smell one drop of blood from 1,000 feet away (1 part per 10 billion parts of water)
Vibration – Vibration – use lateral line Electrical fields – Electrical fields – use ampullae of Lorenzini on snout & around eyes Senses:
Senses: Sight – good, range = 70 – 100 feet, color vision Sight – good, range = 70 – 100 feet, color vision (as indicated by the presence of cone cells in their retinas)
Whale shark, largest fish in the ocean
Whale shark
Nurse Shark
Basking Shark
Great White Shark
Bull Shark
Hammerhead Sharks
Black-tipped Shark
Alarming situation