Location of Streams Streams can be found everywhere!
Physical Characteristics STREAMS ARE: Usually freshwater Cool (Temperature) Narrow – Wide Shallow-Deep High oxygen levels Few tributaries = Flows Quicker More tributaries = Flows Slower Flows into one direction
Base of food web Microorganisms Algae Plants(Emergents, Floating, Submergents)
Types of animals that can be found Flies (Dragonflies, Caneflies) Waterbugs (Water scorpion, striders, boatmen) Beetles Crayfish Scuds Snails Leeches Fish (Bluegill, Salmon, Bass, Catfish, Sculpin, Minnow) Snakes Turtles Frogs
Facts A lot of streams in the world are polluted, and there has been a major decrease in animal life. Sewage and runoff flows into streams Streams are still contaminated with mercury from the gold mining days.
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