Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Lecture 18 Photon Entanglement and Teleportation Reminder: Lecture notes taker: Zhou Fang HWK4 due date extended to 4/14 Monday Condensed Matter Seminar Friday 3:30pm on QD-Si energy transfer (excitonic)
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Course Outline Part 1: basic review: Optics+Quantum; Part 2: Basic Light- matter interaction; laser; Part 3: Quantum Optics of photons Part 4: More advanced light-matter interaction Part 5: Quantum information/photonics/ applications Subject to change; Check updates on course web/wiki
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Today’s Plan Quantum Entanglement and Teleportation (photons) [FQ Chap 14] Student Presentation of Special Topic: Boson Sampling (photons)
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Quantum Entanglement & Teleportation (of Photons) Beam Me Up Scotty? A Q&A about Quantum Teleportation with H. Jeff Kimble ---- Scientific American 2008
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Entangled States (“Bell States”) A “many-body” (at least 2 particles) state: Cannot be factored into “product” states (|particle1> |particle2> etc.) Example: (perfect positive correlation)(perfect negative correlation) Can be generated from product state by CNOT gate Entanglement also important for many-body correlated quantum states, “topological order”, eg. in FQHE (cf. Haldane, Bernevig, …)
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Generate Entangled States (correlated photon pairs) Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR)-Bohm Individual measurement results: random yet correlated b/t two detectors
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Schrodinger Cat? But: Decoherence in macro object (environment)
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Generation of entangled photon pairs Cascade in atomic transitions (eg. Ca) Down-conversion in nonlinear crystal (“type-II”) Phase matching
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Single Photon Interferometer Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Quantum Theory of HBT Experiment (normal ordering) (vac) classical quantum input for | 1 >=|n> (number state) for | 1 >=| > (coherent state) =1 (=0 “anti-bunching” for single photon)
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) “Which path” interferometer Possibility to know destroys interference
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) “Bell’s theorem/inequality” (for local hidden variables) ---- violation proves no LHVs QM LHV “in-flight” change no >c info Aspect’82
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Teleportation Quantum state (info), not the physical qubit/entity (eg. photon)
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) EPR/Bell-assisted teleportation
Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen Lecture 16 (3/31/2014) Slide Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) Nature 390, (11 December 1997) | doi: /37539; Received 16 October 1997; Accepted 18 November 1997 Experimental quantum teleportation Dik Bouwmeester 1, Jian-Wei Pan 1, Klaus Mattle 1, Manfred Eibl 1, Harald Weinfurter 1 & Anton Zeilinger 1 1