Intel Confidential – Internal Only VF IMI Training Strategy 06/08/2006 Jona L. Titus
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training2 Overview Agenda Training models Training Strategy Assessment Strategy Resources Needed Training Schedule
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training3 TCM and Training Model Communication Drive awareness for the VF IMI program and Change impacts to end users On-line Portal One-stop-shop for all training related to VF IMI implementation References eLearning, Business process, and Simulations/Job aids for each job role “Cheat Sheet” for applications References prerequisite training courses for all roles FTF Training Sessions – (WIINGS/WISARD/ eBP, SAP,TSM/SIMI, SIRA, CAPability, IMIRT,SKI, GPR ) Facilitation may use CONS and/or Production environment for lab task exercise performance. Conducted by SU/BA prior to roll out Provide Concrete Experimentation for areas which need mastery Provide opportunity for questions and practice Review reference and portal CIA Open Forums Review changes and provide guidance For impacted job roles in finding training and Online resources for assistance User Acceptance Survey impacted users to determine if they Are ready for change TCMTraining eLearning Coursework Courses relate to each user audience To be completed before training sessions
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training4 Applications X
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training5 Training Portal Details Also adding “Cheat Sheet” for applications
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training6 eLearning and FTF session Timelines- Phase II
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training7 Assessment Strategy Success CriteriaMeasurement Employees know which training they need to complete (TCM) # of target audience members notified = 100% Employees complete the applicable courses # of target audience members completing course = 85% or greater Note: for eBP training target is “A” users. Employees pass the applicable courses Scoring on knowledge assessment = 85% or greater Employees satisfaction with FTF training Scoring level 1 evaluations = 3.0 or greater Global Contact Center call center ticket activity Less than a 3% increase in training related TAC calls for each application eLearning Escalation: Track training completion weekly, beginning WW30 and report out to project and extended staff. If students are not completing training on time(goals: WW29-30%, WW30-60%, WW31- 90%, WW32-100%), I will escalate to their managers. The expectation is that managers will take the appropriate action to see that training is completed.
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training8 Future Training Hand-Off Hand off to occur by end of WW36 Training Owners identified for the following groups: –BAX (Dane Johnson-confirmed) - FSMO (Jenny Lucas) –Finance (Matt McCracken-confirmed) - CCMG (Robyn Desmarais) –HAZMAT (Gerry McCook-confirmed) - Suppliers (Tiffany Rogers) –Factory/PEs (Chris Lbassi-confirmed) Hand off responsibilities include: –Post and publish training curriculum to teams’ site –Document Super Users and validate they will support future training for new hires or new team members. Sustaining –Pass ownership of online “cheat sheet” to F17 training department (Jona) –Pass ownership of training portal to F17 (Jona) –Factory SU WIINGS trainers trained and documented (Colin)
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training9 Training Development/Deployment Schedule Phase II WW22– Communication Strategy Ratified WW22- FTF Logistics completed WW23- Training Strategy completed and ratified by PMO WW25- Impact Map to managers WW eLearning training Ww FTF training sessions WW35- Go Live WW Stabilization
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training10 Phase II Open Items related to Training Method of training for Stockroom (train all or just SUs?) Identify factory users, both SUs and general users, for WIINGS training Identify resource for FTF training for stockroom Identify or create forum to share Impact mapping strategy and direction with all managers
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training11 Back Up
Intel Confidential – Internal Only 6/3/2016End User Training12 Impact Map Implementation WWActionTime allotmentOwner 25Determine Manager names to present impact map to 26Training presents high level Impact Map to Managers 2 hour seminarJona 27-30Managers meet with their employees during regularly scheduled 1:1’s to: -Review goals and objectives of training -Complete impact map for employee’s job role 30 minute 1:1Hudson Managers 30-36Reports attend trainingDirect Reports 37Manager meets with their employees to discuss training feedback and develop plans to implement training learned 1 hour 1:1Hudson Managers 41-43Training to gather level 3 and training related call center data, roll up and share with managers Jona Impact Map (to IMI Subset) Managers meet with their employees during regularly scheduled 1:1’s to: Review goals and objectives of training Complete impact map for employee’s job role