Compass for Croydon GSL’s meeting, 15 th July 2014 Tony Crackett District Compass Champion
The old system is now closed to new CRB Clearance requests, including Repeat CRBs Clearance requests that have been submitted to the system will continue to be processed. 28 th July MMS will be shut down for about 2 weeks. Emergency requests for information via HQ only A District Directory will be circulated with as up-to-date information as possible before 28 th July. Access to Programmes on Line and Print Centre will not be affected. Closing down the old
Opening up the new: 1 Adult (incl. Scout Network) records will be available on Compass Priority users with individual functionality needs: 1.Appointments Secretary 2.Training Manager 3.District Commissioner 4.District Secretary
Opening up the new: 2 Priority for data checking: 1.Adults with more than 2 roles 2.Adults with roles outside District/County 3.Network Members 4.Groups with more than one of a section 5.Explorer adults 6.Any known queries unresolved by 28 th July The main changes 1.Section Scouters and Sectional Assistants will be linked to their SECTION, not just the Group 2.If they are running two sections, we need to record those roles – easier done after Compass is live.
Opening up the new: 3 Involving GSLs 1.Making sure all GSLs have a personal logon and have used it 2.Checking the relevant roles of their Adults Involving all adults (extracts from POR) 1.Compass must contain accurate and up-to-date information on all youth, adult Members and Associate Members of the Association as well as connected individuals such as Executive Committee Members, Occasional Helpers and relevant parents/carers. 2.Adult members are responsible for maintaining their own data e.g. name, address, contact details either directly or via a nominated individual.
Preparing Youth Data (by end September) Spreadsheet format (from what you have OR downloaded from OSM) one per section. I have a template but am holding it back until User Acceptance Testing is complete in case it changes Youths moving sections. I suggest that the Sending section is most likely to have complete data, so should submit the personal details, otherwise there is a risk of one person having two records. Particularly true for Scout to Explorer. Spreadsheet will upload to a secure website (details later) Let me know as soon as possible if you have problems.
Support User guides for individual processes at not 100% complete yet Collected User Guides for roles Video clips A Training database where you can try things out (DON’T PUT REAL PERSONAL DATA IN)
My Objectives 1.Significantly cleaner adult data than before 2.Minimum disruption to Scouting routine 3.All Groups able to load youth data at end of September 4.Everything clean for Jan 2015 census 5.Only then will I be trying to actively encourage using the other features – you may be ahead of me.