Metreq Overview & Timing Corporate Management Intro. & Briefing Corporate Management Intro. & Briefing Wave X: Training Convers Go-Live Wave 2: Training Convers Go-Live Wave 1: Training Conversion Go-Live Collection’s Module Wave X: Training Conver Go-Live Wave 2: Training Conver Go-Live Wave 1: Training Conversion Go-Live DMS Goal Deployment & Metrics Performance Management Project Kick-Off (Commitment) IT Training IT Environment Interfaces & Conversions User Acceptance Train The Trainer System Implementation Communication Purpose Scope & Timing Team Etc. Project Completion Business Unit Management Intro. & Briefing Business Unit Management Intro. & Briefing Communication Purpose Scope & Timing Team Etc. Collections Management Intro. & Briefing Collections Management Intro. & Briefing Communication Purpose Scope & Timing Team Etc. Adjust Message/Content Based On Management Briefing Session
March 2002 Slide 3 Overview Management Introduction: –How & Why this initiative fits in the business –How important this is and that the participants should be honored & excited to be involved –Full support form leadership Training Overview Procedure: –Instructor led, hands on, feedback System Overview: –Show whole picture, –Orient call to the portion you are addressing today. Concepts/Process overview: –What is a dispute? Escalation?, etc.? –High-level process map Training: –Lecture –Hands-on –Exercises 25%
March 2002 Slide 4 Management Training Kickoff Talking Points Purpose –Departmental Goals Productivity (Budget) Cash Flow DSO/Collections Performance –Giving employees tools to do job –Company’s Competitive Advantage/Disadvantage Scope –Business Units –CAs –Resolvers Timing –Implementation –Effect on performance for which quarters Q&A Adjust Message/Content Based On Management Briefing Session
Manager Module Date Section 1 – Getting Started Trainer Name Contact Info
March 2002 Slide 6 Agenda Section 1- Getting Started Orientation & Introductions CA Concepts System Basics Section 2- Manager Screens Department Goal Screen Individual Goal Screen Goal Setting Screen Manager Dashboard Top-20 Section 3 - Reports We Are Here
March 2002 Slide 7 Training Overview Instructor-led lecture –Metreq Overview / Scope of Training –Introduction of Key Concepts –Screen & Functionality Walk-Through Training feedback –System functionality –Training program Focused On How To Use The Tool In Conjunction With Six Sigma To Enhance The Way You Do Your Job 12 34
March 2002 Slide 8 Introductions Instructor(s) Fellow Participants –Name –Role 12 34
March 2002 Slide 9 Metreq Overview System Features CollectionsCollections 6-Sigma and Metrics Analysis & Reporting Goal Deployment Dispute Management Infrastructure & System Queue Dashboard (Top 20 by Various Metrics) Prioritization & Strategies Strategic Customers Parenting Item Detail (Open & Closed) Dispute Assignment Customer Contacts Dynamic Views Customer Communication ( , Fax, Letter) Queue Strategic Customers Item Detail Resolver Contacts Causality Codes Re-Assignment Auto-Escalation Resolution Routing Cash Forecasting, Goal Setting, Assignment Historical & Opportunity Based Goal Forecast Point-In-Time Cash Receipts Business Unit Impeded Org. Level Assignment Unix OS Web Based Oracle Database and Application Open & Closed Items All Transaction Types Incremental Feeds Multi-Currency Standard Reports Ad-Hoc Reporting Formats – Excel, HTML, and ASCII text Open and Closed Items Vertical, Horizontal, and Fractional Process Metrics Cash Forecasting and Goal Setting Control Charts (USL-LSL) DSO, PD%, CEI, Sigma Strategic, Operational, and Organizational Root Cause PARETO Cycle Time Analysis Focused On Manager Functionality 12 34
March 2002 Slide 10 Metreq Overview System Roles Credit Analyst: –Manages customer accounts (portfolio). –Performs collection activities (including customer dispute identification). Resolver: –Works through disputed items with customers. Manager/Director: –Sets goals –Manages collections activities throughout the month. System Admin.: –Maintains configuration data (user accounts, Org. etc.) Site Admin: –Maintains site specific data (users, escalation path, etc.) Finance/Warranty/Etc.: –View-only access … receives notification of action required. Super User: –Knowledgeable in all aspects of system. –First level of support
March 2002 Slide 11 Manager Concepts Process Overview Departmental Commitment Goal Deployment Managing Goals & Objectives 12 34
March 2002 Slide 12 Metreq Cycle Overview Manager Goal Deployment Screen Director sets departmental commitment Goals deployed to next level of organization Review, modify & agree on goals for Month Deploy to next level Yes Set Control Limits for “Trend” metrics An Metreq Cycle Is A One-Month Period, Follows DMAIC, Begins With Goal Setting Daily Activities Performed (Coll., Resolve, etc.) Management Oversight and Review Analyze Performance & Results Improve Processes Based on Analysis Implement Control Plans Cause & Effect, FMEA Bus. Unit Collections Dashboard Screen(s) DEFINEDEFINE Measure Root Cause Data Closed Item Analysis Departmental, Individual Metric/ Goal Review Start
March 2002 Slide Data Driven, Fact Based Empower Director to make Informed, Realistic commitment Use of Historical Performance metrics to drive current period commitment Aging analysis & Dispute data for refinement of commitment Ability to set strategic & stretch goals for department by manipulating bucket goals Commitment used to drive rest of Metreq process, individual actions –Must be accurate, fact-based & achievable –Reduces performance variability for cash goals (receipts) Departmental Commitment Commitment Drives Entire Metreq Cycle Down To Individual CA Activities
March 2002 Slide Two types: –Current period cash collections, –“trend” control chart metrics Data Driven, Fact Based Goals deployed to every level of Collections Department Next level in organization agrees to and accepts responsibility for current period goals (discussion/negotiation) Goals at every level used to monitor performance & drive actions Goal Deployment Goals & Goal Deployment Cornerstone To Drive Daily Activities In Metreq
March 2002 Slide 15 Goal Deployment Process Overview Business Unit Management Credit Director Credit Manager Credit Manager Group Leader Group Leader CA 1. Credit Director & Business Unit Agree To Cash Collection Targets (Commitment) 2. Credit Director Established Collections & Past Due Goals For Direct Reports. 3. Step 2 Is Repeated To Establish Goals At Various Levels Throughout Organization Objective: Know How You Are Measured And How You Are Performing 12 34
March 2002 Slide System Tools: –Dashboards –Top 20 screens –Active Queue –Control Charts –Analysis Reports –Mass-Communication Screen Responsibility at every level of organization System enables & empowers within management guidelines Managing Goals & Objectives Metreq Provides Tools & Data To Monitor, Manage, & Take Corrective Action To Achieve Goal Metreq Provides Tools & Data To Monitor, Manage, & Take Corrective Action To Achieve Goal
Manager Role Section 2 - Screen Review Trainer Name Contact Info
March 2002 Slide 18 Agenda Section 1- Getting Started Orientation & Introductions CA Concepts System Basics Section 2- Manager Screens Department Goal Screen Individual Goal Screen Goal Setting Screen Manager Dashboard Top-20 Section 3 - Reports We Are Here
March 2002 Slide 19 1.Set Department Cash Collection Commitment Use A/R Opportunity Discount Future Due Discount Past Due Consider Historically Collected Extrapolation Consider Disputed Amounts 2. Spread Commitment to Aging Buckets 3. Adjust Goal Amount as necessary & “Save” 4. When Goal Is Correct, Press “Set Individual Goals” Button Department Goals Screen
March 2002 Slide 20 Individual Goals Screen 1.Review Goals (as distributed from Department Goal Screen) with individuals, 2.Discuss, agree on distribution of commitment 3.Adjust as necessary 4.When done, press “Save” button 5.Then press Set Goals – Next Level” Button 6.Repeat process for each level of Collection’s Department Organization
March 2002 Slide 21 Set LSL & USL ranges for individuals for different “trend” metrics “Save” when done
March 2002 Slide 22 Use this screen to review “next level” goals and accomplishments to-date
March 2002 Slide 23 Set sort order and sort by column List of top-20 customers changes based on sort order/column selected Use this screen to target biggest opportunities & “cash calls” with Business Units
Section 3 - Reports Trainer Name Contact Info
March 2002 Slide 25 Agenda Section 1- Getting Started Orientation & Introductions CA Concepts System Basics Section 2- Manager Screens Department Goal Screen Individual Goal Screen Goal Setting Screen Manager Dashboard Top-20 Section 3 - Reports We Are Here
March 2002 Slide 26 Reports Access Reports through Menu List of Standard Reports 12 34
March 2002 Slide 27 Reports Aging report has 2 Options (Standard report or Ad-Hoc Spreadsheet) 12 34
March 2002 Slide 28 Reports Standard report definition screen Variety of selection criteria – unavailable options grayed-out
March 2002 Slide 29 Reports Reports sent in PDF format to screen. Can be printed, ed, saved, etc
March 2002 Slide 30 Dispute Analysis Report 12 34
March 2002 Slide 31 Open Item Report 12 34
March 2002 Slide 32 Root Cause Analysis Report 12 34
March 2002 Slide 33 A/R Cycle Time Report 12 34
March 2002 Slide 34 Organization Hierarchy Report 12 34
March 2002 Slide 35 Business Codes Report 12 34
March 2002 Slide 36 Customers W/O Strategies Report 12 34
March 2002 Slide 37 Ad-Hoc Reports Navigate to Ad-Hoc Reports Through These menu selections
March 2002 Slide 38 Ad-Hoc Reports TOP OF AD-HOC REPORT SCREEN Select Which Columns of Data to Include Change Alignment, Format as desired Enter Selection Criteria for each field (if required) Can Make Case sensitive
March 2002 Slide 39 Ad-Hoc Reports BOTTOM OF AD-HOC REPORT SCREEN Select Sorting (Order) Options Run Report
March 2002 Slide 40 Ad-Hoc Reports Report data is downloaded onto your computer and loaded in Excel