Occupational Therapist By: Elizabeth Garza
What’s an Occupational Therapist? Plan, participate, & organize in programs to help in every day life style. Gives independence to anyone with a disability or developing issues. Occupational salary ranges to 50,000 to 100,000 yearly.
Education & Training Masters Degree Advanced degree Occupational Therapy.
Attire Polo shirt Khaki pants Sometimes scrubs Patterned scrubs (children)
Appropriate hours 30 hours to 40 hours a week Full time or part time
Attitude & personality Very positive Show care & support Inspire Role model
Sources odeid=2&optstatus= &next=occ_re p&jobfam=29&soccode=291122&stfips=&leve l=&id=1&ES=Y&EST=Occupational+Therapist- Texas odeid=2&optstatus= &next=occ_re p&jobfam=29&soccode=291122&stfips=&leve l=&id=1&ES=Y&EST=Occupational+Therapist- Texas ts/Salary_Report.aspx?soccode=291122&stfip s=&zip=&mode=