Section B Period One To learn to use must, might, could and can’t to write and speak about what people might be doing if something strange happened.


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Presentation transcript:

Section B Period One

To learn to use must, might, could and can’t to write and speak about what people might be doing if something strange happened To learn the new words: sky, catch

Review Words and expressions

Read the words and expressions loudly.

chase sky helicopter creature catch v. 追逐 ; 追赶 n. 天 ; 天空 n. 直升机 n. 生物 ; 动物 v. 赶上 ( 车船等 ); 捕获 Words and expressions

What does she do? She could/might be a/an______. Look and say nurse

What does she do? She could/might be a/an ______.

a teacher

What does he do? He could/might be a/an ______. doctor

What is the panda doing? It might /could be_______________. reading a book

What is the bear doing? It might /could be _______________. playing basketball

Who is he/she? He/She can’t be _______. He/She could/might be _______. He/She must be _______.

Look at the picture. How is the person in the picture? What happens? pleasant goat 喜羊羊 grey wolf 灰太狼 beauty goat 美羊羊 fit goat 沸羊羊

1 Look at the pictures. Then use the words from the box to write a sentence about each picture. land man UFO run alien chase

a. The UFO is landing. a. The UFO is landing.

b. The alien is chasing the man. b. The alien is chasing the man.

c. The man is running. c. The man is running.

23 2a Listen and number the pictures [1-3] following.

Writing Write two or three sentences to finish the story.

2b Listen again. Complete the sentences. They seeThe man saysThe woman says 1. a man running. He could be __________ __________. He might be late for work. 2. Something in the sky. It could be ____________ It must be ____________ 3. A strange creature. It must be ____________ I must be ____________ 4. a woman with a camera. She could be ____________ They must be ____________ a helicopter. a UFO. an lien.dreaming. from the TV news. making a movie. running for exercise

2c A: Why do you think the man is running? B: He could be running for exercise. A: No, he’s wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus. Role play conversations between the man and woman. Pairwork

Oral practice Look at the picture. Can you guess what happens? Make up a conversation with your partner. red wolf 红太狼

课时重点回顾 Why do you think …? He could/must be … He might/must be… running to catch a bus late for work running for exercise making a movie

注 : 另附 word 文档。 点击此处链接

根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词。 1. There is something strange flying in the _____ ( 天空 ). 2. He is not strong enough to _____ ( 举起 ) the heavy stone. 3. Look! The _________ ( 猴子 ) are peeling bananas. 4. The poor boy was __________ ( 采访 ) by different TV stations after that accident. 5. His father works as a workshop _________ ( 主任 ) in a big factory. sky lift monkeys interviewed director

用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. The woman could be _________ (run) for exercise. 2. There are some boys ______ (fly) kites in the park. 3. Alice was _________ (happy), because she didn’t pass the math exam. 4. Mrs White looks _________ (extreme) anxious now. 5. Never tell a lie. People don’t like those who are _________ (honest). running flying unhappy extremely dishonest

1. Review the new words and expressions. 2. 发挥想象,连词成文 ( 字 ) 。 chase, sky, helicopter, creature, catch

To preview the newspaper article on page 13. To think of a dream you had recently.