Te Mata School “Seek the Heights”
In 2008 there were a number of children we believed that were simply not making sufficient progress. Was our induction to school moving our children fast enough? To check our hunch,within the first two weeks of 2009 we tested two out of four Year 1 classes – 39 children to ascertain their reading and writing levels The data showed more than half of the 39 students reading at Magenta /Red level and not able to identify all letters / sounds. This was well below our assumption. Whilst all our children reached expectation by the end of 40 weeks we could do substantially better!
Literacy Progressions We used the Literacy progressions to provide the impetus to create the change we needed We completely revised our expectations around School entry…20 weeks and 40 weeks
In the past we have withdrawn individual children to work with Teacher Aides with marginal success. Had a Teacher Aide work in the room alongside children again with marginal success. Had employed at Teacher to withdraw groups of children ….Again marginal success
We decided that we needed a super team and organised a skilled Literacy teacher and 3 teacher aides to work in the literacy time with the Classroom Teacher to accelerate the learning of all of our year 0 /1 students. The 2 teachers take the lowest groups and the teacher aides the other groups. This would lead to increased ownership and sustainability by the classroom teacher.
Working alongside teachers Phonics Monitoring with information rigour Teacher inquiry Targeted interventions SENCO Leadership release Resources suited to the programme
Phonics ( Yolanda Sorrels’ version) That our children would be through all of the 5 Stages of phonics in the first year They would know all their letter names and sounds ( Initial,End,medial,chunks )within that time Phonics would be taught across year 0-3 daily. Tested 2x per year
Term 1 teacher time covered by accumulated banked staffing surpluses accrued over January holidays 3 teacher aides all morning 4 days per week at approx $16 per hour = 3 T -aides x 4hrs x 4days x 9 wks x$16 =$7000 This money will cater for Literacy acceleration for 145 this year
2010 12 children were targetted. 10 of the 12 reached the expected Standard at 20 weeks 2011 16 children targetted at the start of the year. 12 of te 16 at the expected Standard at 20 weeks
Teacher pressure and monitoring Raising expectations with speed of progress Focus on Writing/Phonics Spin offs into reading acceleration Shared expectations Targetted funding and resourcing ALL teachers aware of the progressions Best use of teacher skill base