Barton St Lawrence Primary School Cherry Blossom Class Reception
Adults in the class… Miss Atkinson (Class teacher) Mrs Parker (TA) Miss Dulley (TA)
Topic for this half term Ourselves and our families How we grow and change Keeping healthy What makes us special
Daily routine 8:50am drop off at classroom Children to be registered and in collective worship by 9:05am Literacy 9:30am Playtime 10:30am – children have toast 10:45am phonics 11:05am mathematics 12pm lunch time with buddies
Daily routine continued 1pm register 1:10pm topic time 2:15pm play time 2:30pm topic time 3:15pm story and milk time 3:30pm home from classroom door Fruit and drinks available throughout the day at snack table.
Show and Tell Each Friday there will be a session for Show and Tell. Items brought to school should fit into book bags.
Homework Homework activities will be sent home on a Friday to be brought back to school on the following Wednesday. Usually activities to consolidate or further a challenge we have been doing in school.
PE kit and timings PE on Monday afternoon and Friday morning. Children change into kit and put into bags PLEASE ensure all kit is name labelled. PE kit will be sent home each holiday to be washed and checked.
Reading Children will read with an adult in school regularly. Both guided reading and individual reading. Home reading books will be changed when reading with an adult or when the reading record has been signed by an adult at home. Anyone with spare time who would like to hear readers…
Questions to ask when reading It is important that reading a book is not just about reading the words on a page. Children should be asked questions to further their understanding of the book. Sheet will be sent home for ideas.
Phonics Children have now started phase 2 phonics Learning letters and the sounds they make Reading words by sounding out and blending together. Tricky words you just have to recognise Phonics games will be sent home each Friday to practise the sounds from that week.
Early Years Foundation Stage 17 early learning goals Children will be emerging, expected or exceeding in each goal at the end of the year. Children who are exceeding will be accessing National Curriculum work. Learning Journeys will evidence the children’s progress. Parental input into Learning Journeys is important – own section.
Behaviour Management Positive Policy Golden Time – special activities and toys provided in class (treasure box) Traffic light system– amber means losing a minute of Golden Time, red means losing 5 minutes. 4 Class Rules – Hands up, caring, sharing, listening. House points as a reward (through our dojo)
Any Questions? If you have any questions please feel free to stay and I will try to answer them for you. I am generally available before and after school to talk to you too.