Gilded Age: Expansion of Industry
United States in 1860 Economy: –Mainly farming Smaller farms in the _____ Large farms dominated in _________ Still expanding Westward –Railroad construction in its infancy –_____ of industry in the North_____ of industry in the North Businesses usually small (one owner, few employees)
United States in 1860 _______ Immigration still dominated –From ________________ ______________ –Numbers slowing (especially during Civil War)
Industrial Progress ______________ took the place of agriculture in dominance of U.S. economy by 1900 By 1920, USA was _______ in the world in industrial production Small businesses to big business (_______________)
Causes of Rapid Industrialization
Dominant Industries New England and Midwest: West: South:
__________________ Drilled first oil well in 1859 in Titusville, PA –Started oil boom Oil important in industrial revolution:
Steel industry Coal and iron ore were abundant Before 1860, iron used for building –Problems: Henry _____________ removed carbon from iron to make steel.
Bessemer Process Increase in steel production –Used to make ______ of nation’s steel Reduced need for ______________________ Price of steel drops from $100/ton in mid-1870s to $12/ton in 1890 _________ tons on railroads
Inventions and Innovations Many inventions and innovations changed American society. The government encouraged this by issuing thousands of patents –Patent:
U. S. Patents Granted
Some Major Inventions
Electricity 1870s: Improvements in ________ design makes it easier to produce electricity Inventors found ways to harness electricity –Power machines and lighting in factories –Electric streetcars in cities allowed ease of travel and expansion
Thomas Alva Edison “ Wizard of Menlo Park ”
The ____________ Bulb
Alexander Graham Bell Telephone (1876)
Typewriter _______________ in 1867 Led to increased hiring of women –1870: 5% of office workers –1910: 40%