MASc Thesis Research Workplan Hybrid Steel-Timber Structures Mathieu Angers UBC Picture by B & K Timber Structures
Plan of the Presentation - Overview of the research that needs to be done in support of Caroline’s thesis. - First ideas for my thesis research on the hybrid steel- timber buildings.
Future Research for Caroline’s Thesis Modeling and analysis of steel-timber buildings with ANSYS. -The goal is to reach the most cost efficient building design for given structural systems. To achieve this task, different variables will be changed parametrically in the models (Number of floors and bays, section of the beams and columns, materials, etc.) - The loading scenarios that are applied to the structure are the ones prescribed by the NBCC. These loads, once applied to the structure, will provide the response of the building (stresses and deformations). The output will then be given to Caroline in a format easy to use in her MATLAB program. - This analysis will be done for different types of structural systems. These still need to be determined.
-Learn to use the ANSYS software appropriately and efficiently. -Build a first model to learn how to implement input data from an EXCEL spreadsheet (section of members). Learn how to export and summarize the deformation and the stress data obtained with the analysis in an output EXCEL spreadsheet. -Build the different models that Caroline will want to study. Special attention will be given as to how the connections between wood and steel will be modeled. -Apply the NBCC loading scenarios to the models. -Perform an analysis of the models. The analysis will be executed with different numbers of floors and for different sections of beams and columns for each member. -The deformations and the stresses will then be exported in a format that will be easily used by Caroline in her MATLAB program. Workplan
Thesis Plan – First ideas -Response of timber-steel hybrid buildings to dynamic excitations (earthquakes). Modeling of different structures and systems to evaluate how they behave under seism and dynamic loadings. - Response and behaviour of wood-steel connections under cyclic loading. (Experimental testing and numerical models). - Development of plywood shear wall connections. The goal would mainly be to solve the problem of the tension failure occurring at their base and to develop a numerical model of their dynamic behaviour.
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