PSP Task Order Jordan Funded by USAID Contract number GPO-I PSP-Jordan Bangkok Presentation Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP)
Jordan Capital: Amman Language: Arabic Area total 45,495 sq mi Population: 6.1million GNI per capita $ 5,530 Literacy 91.1% TFR 3.6 Modern CPR 42% 59% visit private clinics Total: 1,360,000 (aged 15-60) CCA : 960,0000 womenGUVS : 400,000 women Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP)
PSP FP/RH Related Objectives Objective I: 2 Local NGOs 1,360,000 women (15-59 age) 1,360,000 women (15-59 age) 100 CHWs Net Work of Private Doctors (85) MoH JAFPP UNRWA RMS Pharmacists Supported by referral & voucher system Increase demand for & use of modern contraception and related women’s health services (Community Outreach Approach) Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP)
Sources of Family Planning Methods Among Current of Users of Modern Family Planning DHS survey 2007 Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP)
Mechanism of Referral & Voucher System Objective I: Increase Demand Types of Referrals New Acceptors of Modern Methods 107, % of MWRA reached New Acceptors of Modern Methods 107, % of MWRA reached Outreach CHW Outreach CHW Referrals Free vouchers (NWDs) Free vouchers (NWDs) OutcomeImpact 185,491 received 185,491 received 24,044 received 24,044 received 110,920 60% acted upon 110,920 60% acted upon 12,232 50% acted upon 12,232 50% acted upon Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP)
Objective 1: Increase Demand Behavior Change Communications Leaflets Brochures Campaigns Posters TVCs Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP)
Objective 2: Enhance Quality in Private Providers EQuIPP Elements of Change Actions towards change Motivators for Action Class room and Clinical Trainings KNOWLEDGE Evidence Based Medicine Detailing QA Certification Recognition ATTITUDES PRACTICES CME Policy Peer Review Increased Client Base/Market Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP)
Monitoring & Evaluation of EQuIPP Approaches EQuIPP approachesMonitoring & Evaluation Tools TrainingAttendance lists Pre & post test Surveys DetailingDoctors profile Surveys QAObservations Assessment Facility Checks Surveys (mystery client survey) EBMBaseline & End line survey Evaluation Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP)
Challenges Training: Identifying trainees, partnership in training QA: Accepting assessment & certification EBM & Detailing: Changing attitudes of health private providers Sustainability: Training and QA CME Policy: Institutionalization of CME policy Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP)
EQuIPP is Effective in Changing Knowledge, Attitudes, & Behaviors Dr. Nadia Hattab “I learned to be patient, and to take time with patients through this training. I am now better at counseling.” Dr. Kenanah Daghistani “In the past, I would not prescribe newly married women oral contraceptives. For women who were years old, I would suggest take a rest period every six months from taking oral contraceptives. All of this changed because of Evidence Based Medicine.” Private Sector Project for Women’s Health (PSP)