HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING JOB ANALYSIS HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Nature and requirements of specific jobs. JOB DESCRIPTION Number of specific jobs to be filed. RECRUITMENT Sources? How are qualified candidates to be recruited? Recruiters ? Inducements? Relationship among job analysis, Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, and Selection. SELECTION Pool of qualified applicants
STEPS IN THE SELECTION PROCESS Completion & screening of the application STEPS IN THE SELECTION PROCESS Preliminary interview Selection process is to choose the individuals who can successfully perform the job from the pool of the qualified candidates. Employment testing Diagnostic interview Reference checking Physical examination Final decision
Weighted application forms The application form provides basic employment information for use in later steps of the selection process and can be used to screen out unqualified applicants. Processing Weighted application forms
Accuracy of information “I hereby certify that the answers given by me to the foregoing questions and statements made are true and correct, without reservations of any kind whatsoever, and that no attempt has been made by me to conceal pertinent information. Falsification of any information on this application can lead to immediate discharge at the time of disclosure”.
Screens out unqualified or uninterested applicants. Questions must be job related and are subject to demonstration of validity. Screens out unqualified or uninterested applicants. Preliminary Interview The preliminary interview is used to determine whether the applicant’s skills, abilities, and job preferences match any of the available jobs and their requirements and to answer any questions the applicant has about the available jobs or the employer.
Formal Testing Psycho meter test Aptitude test Interest tests Job knowledge tests Polygraph Personality tests Graphology
Perception speed Tests Aptitude test measure a person’s capacity or potential ability to learn and perform a job. Verbal Ability Reasoning tests Measures a person’s ability to use words in thinking, planning, and communicating. Measures ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Numerical tests Measures ability to analyze oral or written facts and make correct judgments concerning these facts on the basis of logical implications. Measures ability to recognize similarities and differences. Perception speed Tests Measures ability to visualize objects in space and determine their relationships. Spatial Tests
Aptitude test 5 M's of Aptitude test Measures a person’s ability to use words in thinking, planning, and communicating. Measures ability to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. Measures ability to recognize similarities and differences. Measures ability to visualize objects in space and determine their relationships. Measures ability to analyze oral or written facts and make correct judgments concerning these facts on the basis of logical implications.
Psycho meter test Measure person’s strength, dexterity, and coordination. Finger dexterity, manual dexterity, wrist-finger speed, and speed of arm movement. People to fill assembly –line jobs.
Measures the job related knowledge possessed by a job applicant. Job knowledge tests Proficiency tests measures how well the applicant can do a sample of work to be performed. Measures the job related knowledge possessed by a job applicant. Experienced & skilled Less experienced
Tests are designed to determine how a person’s interests compare with the interests of successful people in a specific job. Interest tests
It attempts to measure personality characteristics. Personality tests It attempts to measure personality characteristics. THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST (TAT) RORSCHACH INKBLOT TESTS.
Polygraph It is a device that records physical changes in the body as the test subject answers a series of questions.
Graphology It involves using an analyst to examine the lines, loops, hooks, strokes, curves and flourishes in a person’s handwriting to assess the person’s personality, performance, and emotional problems. It involves using an analyst to examine the lines, loops, hooks, strokes, curves and flourishes in a person’s handwriting to assess the person’s personality, performance, and emotional problems.
PERSONALITY Psycho meter test Aptitude test Interest tests Job knowledge tests Polygraph Personality tests Graphology
DIAGNOSTIC INTERVIEW Halo effect occurs when the interviewer allows as single prominent characteristic to dominate judgment of all other traits. UNSTRUCTURED INTERVIEW GROUP INTERVIEWS STRUCTURED INTERVIEW STRESS INTERVIEW BOARD OR PANEL INTERVIEW
STEPS IN THE SELECTION PROCESS Completion & screening of the application Preliminary interview STEPS IN THE SELECTION PROCESS Employment testing Diagnostic interview Reference checking Physical examination Final decision
Criteria of job success SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE Job analysis JOB SPECIFICATION JOB DESCRIPTION VALIDITY refers to how accurately a predictor actually predicts the criteria of job success. Criteria of job success How successful performance of the job is to be measured. Criterion predictors Factors that can be used to predict successful performance of the job.
PREDICTIVE VALIDITY JOB APPLICANTS Test administered to all job applicants. Job applicants are hired without regard to test scores. New employees receive basic orientation and training New employees perform the job DETERMINE THE VALIDITY OF A TEST PREDICTING THE FUTURE PERFORMANCE OF WORKERS. Test scores are determined Correlation analysis Performance evaluations used as criterion of job success Degree of correlation
Concurrent Validity Process Present employees Test is administered to all present employees holding a particular job. Job performance of present employees Present evaluation of employees are used as the criterion of job success. Test scores are determined Correlation analysis Degree of correlation
Reliability refers to the reproducibility of results with a predictor. TEST RETEST PARALLEL FORMS SPLIT HALVES