Charterparties oProfessor Erik Røsæg
2 Charterparties and Bills of Lading oA simple drawing oIssue of tramp bill of lading oNMC §§ 338 and 382, cfr ND Vestkyst I; ND NV Jobst Oldenddorf oNMC § 295 oConditions under a tramp bill of lading oNMC § 292 oNMC § 61 nr. 3 oNMC § 299 oNMC § 310 oMandatory rules oNMC § 322 oNMC § 325 oNMC § 253
3 Different types of Charterparties oTime charterparties oVoyage charterparties oBareboat charterparties oContracts of affreightment oQuantity contracts
4 Charterparty forms oDifferent ”brands” oCharterers’ forms, owners’ forms, and ”agreed documents” oDifferent types of cargo and different trades
5 Dry bulk and oil
6 Risk of delay in voyage charterparties oDelivery of the vessel - LayCan oVoyage time oWaiting in and off port
7 Delivery of the vessel - LayCan oETA, time of delivery and laydays o“Conditions,” “warranties” and o“intermediate terms” oNMC. § 348(1) oShellvoy 5 cl 11, Gencon 94 cl 9 oNMC. § 348(2): Gap-filling right of interrogation?
8 Voyage time oMain rules: oNo compensation for extra time used, NMC. § 321 oCharterer must accept not unreasonable delays, NMC. § 339 oNew World Scale oWaiting for orders, paperwork, etc oNMC. § 356 oShellvoy 5 cl 10 oNMC. §§ 347 and 351 (compensation) oNMC. § 349 (canceling)
9 Waiting in and off port oLaytime is extra time at berth/in port/off port that is included in the freight oNotice oCalculation of laytime oIf less time is used: oBonus oAverage laytime, etc oIf more time is used: oWhen can the vessel sail? oCanceling of the charterparty oRemuneration oRights of the Bill of Lading holder
10 Notice oWhen is the vessel ready (“arrived ship”)? oAt berth/in port/off port oNMC. §§ 332 and 333 oReady to receive cargo, NMC. §§ 332 and 327, oShellvoy 5 Part IA and cl 2 and 16 et seq. oNotice must be tendered oNMC. § 332 oAdvance notice, NMC. § 332(2) oShellvoy 5 cl 13
11 Calculation of laytime oLength of laytime, NMC. § 331, oShellvoy 5 Part I letter I oWhen does laytime commence? oNMC. § 332(4) oExceptions, NMC. §§ 331(4) and 333 oShellvoy 5 cl 9(2), 12 and 14
12 If laytime is not fully used oBonus (“despatch”) oCommon/reversible/average laytime NMC. § 331(3)
13 Remuneration (compensation) and “demurrage” oDemurrage, NMC. § 335(1) o“Once on demurrage” …, NMC. 334(2) oAmount of compensation, NMC. § 335, oShellvoy 5 Part I letter J and cl 15 oAdditional compensation, NMC. § 356
14 The limit? oWhen the ship can sail - cancellation oNMC. §§ 330 and 334? oCharterparty clauses oNMC § 335 oNMC. § 355 oEnglish law: “Frustration” oCancellation with cargo on board
15 Charterers’ breach - overview Before loadingAfter loading Delay Cancel- lation § 353§ 354§ 355 Compen- sation § 352§ 354§§ 355 and 356 Withdrawal/rejection
16 Rights of Bill of Lading holder (receiver) oDuty to third party, NMC. §§ 269 and 292 oEvidentiary effect of Bill of Lading, NMC. § 299 oLaytime n port of loading, NMC. § 331(3)
17 Time charterparties oDescription and delivery of the vessel oCharterparty period oVoyage related and non voyage related expenses oWhen should the taximeter be turned off ? (“off hire”)
18 Description and delivery of the vessel oDescription oNMC. §§ 372 oBaltime: Preamble oDelivery oNMC. §§ oBaltime cl 1 oRemedies for breach oNMC. §§ oBaltime cl 13
19 Charterparty period oNMC. §§ oBaltime cl 7
20 Voyage related and non voyage related expenses oNMC. §§ 378 et seq. oBaltime cl 3 et seq.
21 When should the taximeter be turned off? (“off hire”) oNMC. §§ 321 and 392 oBaltime cl 11(A) o24 hour rule o“thereby” o“unable to perform the service immediately required” oND NV Arica