AGENDA MAP Payment Tables MAP Payment Tables Dislocated Worker Initiatives Dislocated Worker Initiatives MAP Advising MAP Advising ILASFAA Conference In Concert
MAP Dislocated Worker For the and academic years, ISAC must give additional consideration to the needs of dislocated workers For the and academic years, ISAC must give additional consideration to the needs of dislocated workers The intent is to allow applicants who are dislocated workers an opportunity to receive a Monetary Award Program (MAP) grant even if applying later than the general pool of applicants The intent is to allow applicants who are dislocated workers an opportunity to receive a Monetary Award Program (MAP) grant even if applying later than the general pool of applicants ISAC must estimate an amount needed to serve dislocated workers who file FAFSAs through the summer months and reserve dollars to serve those applicants ISAC must estimate an amount needed to serve dislocated workers who file FAFSAs through the summer months and reserve dollars to serve those applicants After stopping award announcements for the general pool of applicants ISAC will continue to make awards only to dislocated workers through the summer After stopping award announcements for the general pool of applicants ISAC will continue to make awards only to dislocated workers through the summer The agency will subsequently analyze student data to try to determine the success of those students who receive grants as a result of this program The agency will subsequently analyze student data to try to determine the success of those students who receive grants as a result of this program ILASFAA Conference In Concert
MAP Dislocated Worker Independent students who answer “yes” to Question 102 on the FAFSA -- As of today, are you (or your spouse) a dislocated worker? -- will be considered applicants who receive “additional and specific consideration” Independent students who answer “yes” to Question 102 on the FAFSA -- As of today, are you (or your spouse) a dislocated worker? -- will be considered applicants who receive “additional and specific consideration” As a result, independent student applicants who are dislocated workers (DW) will have a later suspense date than other MAP applicants As a result, independent student applicants who are dislocated workers (DW) will have a later suspense date than other MAP applicants For the purposes of MAP, a student who answers “yes” to FAFSA Question 102 on any transaction is considered a dislocated worker applicant for the entire academic year For the purposes of MAP, a student who answers “yes” to FAFSA Question 102 on any transaction is considered a dislocated worker applicant for the entire academic year Because the answer to FAFSA Question 102 could include the spouse, schools will need to confirm that the student, not the spouse, is the DW at the time of payment request Because the answer to FAFSA Question 102 could include the spouse, schools will need to confirm that the student, not the spouse, is the DW at the time of payment request ILASFAA Conference In Concert
MAP Dislocated Worker On the “Student List Eligibility” screen, the DW fields are to the far right of the initial view On the “Student List Eligibility” screen, the DW fields are to the far right of the initial view If the Student or Spouse DW field is “Y”, the student answered yes to FAFSA Question 102 on one or more transactions in the academic year If the Student or Spouse DW field is “Y”, the student answered yes to FAFSA Question 102 on one or more transactions in the academic year If the field is blank, they answered “no” or “I don’t know” to FAFSA Question 102 on their transactions for the academic year If the field is blank, they answered “no” or “I don’t know” to FAFSA Question 102 on their transactions for the academic year Because DW applicants will have a later suspend date than other applicants, a column for DW Suspend was added along with the Student or Spouse DW field Because DW applicants will have a later suspend date than other applicants, a column for DW Suspend was added along with the Student or Spouse DW field ILASFAA Conference In Concert
Filter Screen
Student Eligibility: Detail Screen On the “Student List Detail” screen, the DW fields are to the far right at the bottom of the Details section. On the “Student List Detail” screen, the DW fields are to the far right at the bottom of the Details section. If the Student or Spouse DW field is “Y”, the student answered yes to FAFSA Question 102 on one or more transactions in the academic year If the Student or Spouse DW field is “Y”, the student answered yes to FAFSA Question 102 on one or more transactions in the academic year If the field is blank, they answered “no” or “I don’t know” to FAFSA Question 102 on their transactions for the academic year If the field is blank, they answered “no” or “I don’t know” to FAFSA Question 102 on their transactions for the academic year Because DW applicants will have a later suspend date than other applicants, a column for DW Suspend was added along with the Student or Spouse DW field Because DW applicants will have a later suspend date than other applicants, a column for DW Suspend was added along with the Student or Spouse DW field ILASFAA Conference In Concert
Student Eligibility: Detail Screen
DW Eligibility List Screen Two new icons have been added to assist users in determining which DW students are in Suspense Two new icons have been added to assist users in determining which DW students are in Suspense Two new columns added to help ID DW records Two new columns added to help ID DW records
DW Changes to 160 Byte File Three fields were added to the 160-byte file: Field 43 DISLOCATED WORKER INDICATOR X(01); previously FILLER X(01); field added to record types 2 and 7 Field 43 DISLOCATED WORKER INDICATOR X(01); previously FILLER X(01); field added to record types 2 and 7 Field 45 DISLOCATED WORKER SUSPENSE FLAG X(01); previously FILLER X(02); field added to record types 2 and 7 Field 45 DISLOCATED WORKER SUSPENSE FLAG X(01); previously FILLER X(02); field added to record types 2 and 7 Field 46 DISLOCATED WORKER CONFIRM STUDENT X(01); field added to record types 4,5 and 6 Field 46 DISLOCATED WORKER CONFIRM STUDENT X(01); field added to record types 4,5 and 6 The MAP File Specifications are available in the Electronic Tools section of the e-Library The MAP File Specifications are available in the Electronic Tools section of the e-Library
DW: Processing Facts From January 1st through late March, 38 percent fewer displaced workers had applied compared to the same time period last year, likely due to improvements in the job market (per IDES, IL unemployment rate 6.0% in Feb 2015, down from 7.9% in Feb 2014.) From January 1st through late March, 38 percent fewer displaced workers had applied compared to the same time period last year, likely due to improvements in the job market (per IDES, IL unemployment rate 6.0% in Feb 2015, down from 7.9% in Feb 2014.) Fewer than 1,000 dislocated workers have applied since February 22ndFewer than 1,000 dislocated workers have applied since February 22nd 72 percent had a community college as their first-choice school.72 percent had a community college as their first-choice school. Projections indicate this group may claim up to $1.0 million, and it appears the $5 million (“more than $4 million was the wording in the start-up agenda item) set aside will be more than enough to provide awards for dislocated workers who may apply for MAP before school starts. Projections indicate this group may claim up to $1.0 million, and it appears the $5 million (“more than $4 million was the wording in the start-up agenda item) set aside will be more than enough to provide awards for dislocated workers who may apply for MAP before school starts.
MAP Advising BACKGROUND MAP Task Force – Illinois General Assembly – 2013 Concluded that MAP students would benefit from additional advising. Concluded that MAP students would benefit from additional advising. Established MAP Advising Workgroup Established MAP Advising Workgroup MAP Advising Workgroup Promote retention and degree completion among MAP recipients Promote retention and degree completion among MAP recipients To improve outcomes for students, in particular, MAP students. To improve outcomes for students, in particular, MAP students.
MAP Advising BACKGROUND Offering support for MAP students, who are often 1st generation students with preparation and adjustment issues will increase the likelihood of success for these students. Offering support for MAP students, who are often 1st generation students with preparation and adjustment issues will increase the likelihood of success for these students.
MAP Advising Postsecondary institutions that participate in MAP are required to have in place or establish a program, determined by the institution, that is intended to improve MAP recipients’ success, retention and completion in higher education at that institution. Postsecondary institutions that participate in MAP are required to have in place or establish a program, determined by the institution, that is intended to improve MAP recipients’ success, retention and completion in higher education at that institution.
MAP Advising Institutions shall annually submit to ISAC retention, completion and graduation rate data as well as advising and support program information. Institutions shall annually submit to ISAC retention, completion and graduation rate data as well as advising and support program information. This information is intended to enhance ISAC’s ability to evaluate and improve MAP effectiveness. This information is intended to enhance ISAC’s ability to evaluate and improve MAP effectiveness.
MAP Advising Quick “To-Do” Review 1.If not in place, institute programs intended to improve MAP recipients’ success, retention and completion in higher education at that institution. 2.Annually gather retention, completion and graduation rate data and submit it to ISAC. 3.Annually gather advising and support program information and submit it to ISAC.
Advising and Support Programs Best Practices Gathering Information on Programs such as: Information on Programs such as:Tutoring Degree Mapping Counseling/Mentoring Tracking and Early Warning Transition/Orientation Programs targeted at completion and retention. Programs targeted at completion and retention.
Advising and Support Programs Submit to ISAC 1 st Time - Late Summer st Time - Late Summer 2015 Via GAP Access Via GAP Access Survey Format Survey Format
Retention, Completion and Graduation Rate Data Submit to ISAC 1st time – Spring 2016 (FY15 Data) 1st time – Spring 2016 (FY15 Data) ICCB will provide data for community colleges ICCB will provide data for community colleges Via Electronic File Download Via Electronic File Download Excel spreadsheet Flat File Stand Alone Portal Stand Alone Portal
Benefits Improved outcomes for MAP students Improved outcomes for MAP students Improved graduation and retention rates for schools Improved graduation and retention rates for schools A cumulative report of advising programs and best practices A cumulative report of advising programs and best practices Provides steps toward the Big Goal of 60X25 Provides steps toward the Big Goal of 60X25
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