Fearless Factoring
A Tisket, A Tasket, How Do I Use This Basket?
Unit Questions What is distribution if it isn’t done in a warehouse? What is factoring and does it have anything to do with Fear Factor? How do I know when to factor and when to distribute? How am I ever going to remember this?
Main Objective Students will explore, learn and teach distributive property and factoring for algebra.
Students will create PowerPoint presentations, using graphics and sound waves. Students must include fun facts and comprehension questions
Students will create and publish a newsletter for parents and students. Students must include web links that will educate parents on how to help their child learn algebra.
California State Standards 11.0 Students apply basic factoring techniques to second-and simple third-degree polynomials. These techniques include finding a common factor for all terms in a polynomial, recognizing the difference of two squares, and recognizing perfect squares of binomials Students simplify fractions with polynomials in the numerator and denominator by factoring both and reducing them to the lowest terms Students solve a quadratic equation by factoring or completing the square.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes Students will master the concepts of the distributive property and factoring. Students will demonstrate knowledge of above concepts by creating an instructional PowerPoint presentation as well as creating a newsletter for parents and students.
Procedures Teacher will teach concepts and model student presentations and publications. Students will create storyboards as a rough draft for PowerPoint presentation. Students will research motivational articles for algebra and include at least one in their newsletter. Students will research ways parents can help students learn algebra and include at least one in their newsletter.
Approximate Time Needed Eight 50-minute periods.
Prerequisite Skills Students should have an understanding of algebra concepts prior to distributive and factoring content.
Materials and Resources Required For Unit Computers Printer Internet Connection
Printed Materials Prentice Hall Algebra 1: California Edition
Internet Resources mcarch.asp mcarch.asp
Student Assessment A student rubric will be used to assess student performance for PowerPoint presentation and for Publisher creation.
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction This is essentially a self- differentiating assignment. Students will have a list of “must- haves” and “may-haves”
Key Words: essential vocabulary must be included
Yes I Can!