Particle Physics Probes Messengers of the Universe J. Brunner
Only neutral, stable elementary fermion Interact only via weak interactions (+ gravity) Particle Physics Access to free parameter of the Standard Model Astronomy Stable, neutral straight lines, long distance Weak interaction penetrating power
ParameterNumber Quark masses6 e,µ, masses3 Neutrino masses3 Quark mixing3+1 Lepton mixing3+1 Gauge Couplings U(1), SU(2), SU(3) 3 Higgs sector2 QCD Vacuum angle1 Total without m 19 Total with m 26 Experiments with Neutrinos allow access to 7 new parameters 20 years ago: massless neutrinos no mixing in lepton sector Dirac mass terms & mixing trivial & natural extensions
Weak Eigenstates are superposition of mass Eigenstates Neutrino production via CC interaction Neutrino flavour defined via charged leptons Neutrino detection via CC interaction Unobserved propagation of mass Eigenstates Equivalence to double slit experience Coherent sum Classic: incoherent sum
A given experiment is typically sensitive to one mixing angle an one m 2 | m 2 32 |~| m 2 31 |>> | m 2 21 |
How many parameters can be measured ? Related to number of fermion families N-1 mass square differences No absolute mass scale (N-1)N/2 mixing angles “many” phases
e see additional potential due to W-exchange in +e +e scattering Illustration for constant electron density n e At resonant energy 13 maximal A changes sign with n e via / A changes sign with m 2 mass hierarchy !
Dark matter Dark matter might be “hot” 110 /cm 3 form hot dark matter no need for exotic particles Heaviest neutrino accounts for dark matter m ~ 30 eV Lepton mixing Mixing angles ARE small Lepton mixing matrix similar or identical to CKM matrix Solar neutrino problem solved by matter solution in the interior of the sun “SMA” solution preferred elegant application of MSW mechanism Atmospheric anomaly will disappear
Dark matter Dark matter might be “hot” 110 /cm 3 form hot dark matter no need for exotic particles Heaviest neutrino accounts for dark matter m ~ 30 eV Lepton mixing Mixing angles ARE small Lepton mixing matrix similar or identical to CKM matrix Solar neutrino problem solved by matter solution in the interior of the sun “SMA” solution preferred elegant application of MSW mechanism Atmospheric anomaly will disappear wrong
Final results from CHORUS & NOMAD Best sensitivity to small mixing angles Superseded by actual measurement of these parameters See next slides ! Excluded
Example for Neutrino beam line (MINOS)
Example of atmospheric neutrino measurement
SuperKamiokandeMINOS Sign unknown
Solar neutrino spectrum
Sign fixed, matter effects !
Naming/Color convention Index 1, 2, 3 : increasing contribution of electron state Electron, muon ta Matter effect in sun fixes m 2 >m 1 No matter effects to measure m 31 2 sign unconstraint 2 schemes survive ElectronMuonTau Normal hierarchy Inverted hierarchy
Daya Bay RENO
Impressive precision reached for most parameters
(G. Drexlin)
Here normal mass hierarchy is assumed
Absolute neutrino masses Are Neutrinos their own anti-particles ? Majorana versus Dirac Sign of m 23 mass hierarchy Octant 23 CP phase CP-violation in lepton sector matter/anti-matter asymmetry in universe Exotics CPT violation (Lorentz invariance) Additional families (test of unitarity, sterile )
Absolute neutrino masses Are Neutrinos their own anti-particles ? Majorana versus Dirac Sign of m 23 mass hierarchy Octant 23 CP phase CP-violation in lepton sector matter/anti-matter asymmetry in universe Exotics CPT violation (Lorentz invariance) Additional families (test of unitarity, sterile ) Beta-Decay Experiments Cosmology
Absolute neutrino masses Are Neutrinos their own anti-particles ? Majorana versus Dirac Sign of m 23 mass hierarchy Octant 23 CP phase CP-violation in lepton sector matter/anti-matter asymmetry in universe Exotics CPT violation (Lorentz invariance) Additional families (test of unitarity, sterile ) Double-Beta-Decay Experiments
Absolute neutrino masses Are Neutrinos their own anti-particles ? Majorana versus Dirac Sign of m 23 mass hierarchy Octant 23 CP phase CP-violation in lepton sector matter/anti-matter asymmetry in universe Exotics CPT violation (Lorentz invariance) Additional families (test of unitarity, sterile ) Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
Absolute neutrino masses Are Neutrinos their own anti-particles ? Majorana versus Dirac Sign of m 23 mass hierarchy Octant 23 CP phase CP-violation in lepton sector matter/anti-matter asymmetry in universe Exotics CPT violation (Lorentz invariance) Additional families (test of unitarity, sterile ) Medium term future
Absolute neutrino masses Are Neutrinos their own anti-particles ? Majorana versus Dirac Sign of m 23 mass hierarchy Octant 23 CP phase CP-violation in lepton sector matter/anti-matter asymmetry in universe Exotics CPT violation (Lorentz invariance) Additional families (test of unitarity, sterile ) Medium term future Why do we care ?
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb Color charged Q = +2/3
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb Color charged Q = -1/3
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb Color neutral Q = -1
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb Color neutral Q = 0
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb m u < m c < m t
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb m( e ) < m( µ ) < m( )
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude e 2csµ µ 3tb m( e ) < m( µ ) < m( ) ? ?
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude 1 2csµ 2 3tb 3 m( 1 ) < m( 2 ) < m( 3 ) “Normal”
Family Strong Electromagnetic Weak 1ude 3 2csµ 1 3tb 2 m( 3 ) < m( 1 ) < m( 2 ) “Inverted”
Many elements well placed Some elements successfully predicted Gallium, Germanium, Technetium Whole group missing ! noble gases ! Discovery of Helium challenged system Make measurements as complete as possible !
If Inverted hierarchy confirmed Majorana nature of neutrinos can be tested unambigouosly !
ProjectNeutrino source DetectorGoalProblem NOvALBL 810 km14 kt tracking calorimeter 2 for some values of ; 2020 Parameter degeneracy Daya Bay II Reno II Reactor 60 km50 kt liquid scintillator 3 in 2023E resolution & absolute scale PINGU / ORCAAtmosphere1-10 Mt3 in 2023E resolution Systematics INOAtmosphere50 kt magnetized iron calorimeter 3 in 2030Low statistics 10 years needed T2 Hyper Kamiokande LBL 295 km1 Mt water3 in 2030Parameter degeneracy LBNELBL 1300 km10 kt Liquid Argon 2-5 in 2030Parameter degeneracy LAGUNA Glacier LBL 2300 km20 kt Liquid Argon 5 in 2030Beam line from CERN LAGUNA LENA LBL 2300 km50 kt Liquid scintillator 5 in 2030Beam line from CERN
ProjectNeutrino source DetectorGoalProblem NOvALBL 810 km14 kt tracking calorimeter 2 for some values of ; 2020 Parameter degeneracy Daya Bay II Reno II Reactor 60 km50 kt liquid scintillator 3 in 2023E resolution & absolute scale PINGU / ORCAAtmosphere1-10 Mt3 in 2023E resolution Systematics INOAtmosphere50 kt magnetized iron calorimeter 3 in 2030Low statistics 10 years needed T2 Hyper Kamiokande LBL 295 km1 Mt water3 in 2030Parameter degeneracy LBNELBL 1300 km10 kt Liquid Argon 2-5 in 2030Parameter degeneracy LAGUNA Glacier LBL 2300 km20 kt Liquid Argon 5 in 2030Beam line from CERN LAGUNA LENA LBL 2300 km50 kt Liquid scintillator 5 in 2030Beam line from CERN Fully funded Under Construction Detector & Beam Complete 2014
14 kt, 896 layers of scintillator (PVC & oil) Construction complete in 2014
Longbaseline from Fermilab, 810 km 14mrad off-axis
Parameter degeneracy Mass hierarchy CP-Phase Octant of 23 Optimal result after 6 years if running is shown
ProjectNeutrino source DetectorGoalProblem NOvALBL 810 km14 kt tracking calorimeter 2 for some values of ; 2020 Parameter degeneracy Daya Bay II Reno II Reactor 60 km50 kt liquid scintillator 3 in 2023E resolution & absolute scale PINGU / ORCAAtmosphere1-10 Mt3 in 2023E resolution Systematics INOAtmosphere50 kt magnetized iron calorimeter 3 in 2030Low statistics 10 years needed T2 Hyper Kamiokande LBL 295 km1 Mt water3 in 2030Parameter degeneracy LBNELBL 1300 km10 kt Liquid Argon 2-5 in 2030Parameter degeneracy LAGUNA Glacier LBL 2300 km20 kt Liquid Argon 5 in 2030Beam line from CERN LAGUNA LENA LBL 2300 km50 kt Liquid scintillator 5 in 2030Beam line from CERN Moderate budget Agreement possible rather soon Feasibility studies ongoing
V. Bertin - CPPM - Roma 70 m 450 m JunctionBox Interlink cables 40 km to shore 2500m inch PMTs 12 lines 25 storeys / line 3 PMTs / storey
Junction box 2001 Main cable 2002 Line 1, Line 3, 4, 5 01 / 2007 Line 6, 7, 8, 9, / 2007 Line 11, / 2008 ~70 m
53 Most significant cluster at: RA = ‒ 46.5°, δ = ‒ 65.0° N sig = 5 p-value = Significance = 2.2 σ Sky map in equatorial coordinates Result compatible with the background hypothesis 3⁰ 1⁰
54 Dedicated study for RXJ1713 and Vela-X taking into account the cutoff in the energy spectra and source extension RXJ Vela-X ANTARES preliminary
55 Dashed: IceCube (IC22) Full: ANTARES ( ) RXJ Combined analysis for optimal sensitivity (planned) ! IC22 versus ANT0708
=0.138 = data 863 days active time More than 2000 events ANTARES K2K Super-K MINOS 68%CL contours
Mar 2012 Design decision Construction Data taking km Sensitivity 3-6 times IceCube Cost 250 M€ ~ 4 km³ 57
No ASIC used No amplitudes used Exclusively TDC signals (time over threshold) Combination of up to 7 PMT signals FPGA based Developed by CEA Saclay 5kEuro per DOM Reduce price by using cheaper FPGA New partner needed !
Available funds France 8 MEuro Netherlands 9 MEuro Romanie 3 MEuro (Italie 20 MEuro)
Muon (anti)neutrinos only, perfect selection Main effect along diagonal lines : E/cos sub-optimal but easier to get feeling for size of the effect Akhmedov, Razzaque, Smirnov : arXiv: E =0 =0 no syst 45.5 E =2 GeV = 11.25˚ no syst 16.3
Challenges Resolution in neutrino energy and zenith angle Background rejection (veto ?) Flavour tagging Perfect knowledge of Neutrino parameters : 15 ~3000 events per year E = 1 GeV Zenith from muon : 3 Systematic effects Energy dependent detector acceptance Knowledge of resolution Earth model Oscillation parameter uncertainties Feasibility study just started “data” normal inverted
ProjectNeutrino source DetectorGoalProblem NOvALBL 810 km14 kt tracking calorimeter 2 for some values of ; 2020 Parameter degeneracy Daya Bay II Reno II Reactor 60 km50 kt liquid scintillator 3 in 2023E resolution & absolute scale PINGU / ORCAAtmosphere1-10 Mt3 in 2023E resolution Systematics INOAtmosphere50 kt magnetized iron calorimeter 3 in 2030Low statistics 10 years needed T2 Hyper Kamiokande LBL 295 km1 Mt water3 in 2030Parameter degeneracy LBNELBL 1300 km10 kt Liquid Argon 2-5 in 2030Parameter degeneracy LAGUNA Glacier LBL 2300 km20 kt Liquid Argon 5 in 2030Beam line from CERN LAGUNA LENA LBL 2300 km50 kt Liquid scintillator 5 in 2030Beam line from CERN Large budget Major investment
Clear signature for mass hierarchy CP violation in reach
Clear measurement for 2+2 years running
S12^2=0.307 S23^2=0.386 (NH) S13^2= (NH) Delta = pi