Features: 1. 2D structural analysis (plane stress) 2. Static analysis 3. Quarter symmetric 4. SI units 5. Only the yoke is modeled 6. Material properties are at 4 K · SS304: Poisson’s ratio 0.279, Young’s modulus 210.0E9 Pa · Iron yoke: Poisson’s ratio 0.284, Young’s modulus E9 Pa, modeled as a solid material (not as laminations) 7. Loading conditions: 5.5 MPa applied vertically, 3.0 MPa applied horizontally (see geometry plot) 8. Boundary conditions: symmetry conditions on both horizontal and vertical geometric boundaries
Model geometry, elements, boundary conditions, and loading
Contour plot of horizontal displacements
Contour plot of vertical displacements
Contour plot of stress in horizontal direction
Contour plot of stress in vertical direction
Contour plot of stress intensity
Contour plot of von Mises stress
Note: Stress concentration at sharp corner