Stephanie Trapnell PRMPS April 28, 2010
AGI Initiative and Data Portal
Rules of the game Organizational Capacities Governance system performance Exogenous factors
Design Guide the design of specific governance systems reforms Implement Hold governance reform efforts accountable for results Help to manage governance reform implementation Learn How rules and capacities shape governance systems performance How governance systems performance contribute to ultimate policy outcomes
AGI Instruments
Legislative AGIs (in law) Implementation AGIs (in practice) Income & Asset Disclosure Conflict of Interest Freedom of Information Ethics Training Immunity Protections
Number of Indicators on AGI Data Portal: 165 Country coverage (World Bank classifications): RegionCoverage Sub-Saharan Africa28 East Asia & Pacific13 Europe & Central Asia21 Latin America & the Caribbean 5 Middle East & North Africa2 South Asia5 Other13 Total87 EconomyCoverage Low income economies29 Lower-middle income economies 24 Upper-middle income economies 20 High income economies14 Total87
Years 2008 to present Periodicity Data is collected and published on a rolling basis for legislative indicators, and is updated biannually. For implementation indicators, data is collected and published on an ad hoc basis, with country collaboration.
Scope of indicators AGIs; indicators are not aggregated. Type of data Legislative data is collected by country attorneys through analysis of laws. Implementation data is collected from government agencies and non-government sources. Object of measurement Legislative indicators capture data on design features (laws). Implementation indicators capture data on capacities and performance of governance systems.
Reliability of data Legislative data is reviewed by local, technical experts to ensure accuracy. Changes in methodology The indicators have not changed since the 2008 round of data collection. Limitations Legislative and implementation environments differ by country context; therefore, cross-country comparisons of data must be interpreted carefully. Implementation indicators require government/agency involvement and can be difficult to collect.
Coverage Heads of state, Ministers/Cabinet members, Members of parliament, Civil servants, Spouses and children of each of the above Actionable Governance Indicators (AGIs) Data on the legislative framework governing each mechanism, available in summaries of the data associated with each AGI, with citations/links to the appropriate legislation.
INCOME AND ASSET DISCLOSURE CONFLICT OF INTEREST (RESTRICTIONS & DISCLOSURE) 1. Legal framework 2. Coverage of public officials 3. Declaration content 4. Filing frequency 5. Sanctions for non-compliance 6. Monitoring and oversight 7. Verification of declaration content 8. Public access to declarations 1. Legal framework 2. Coverage of public officials 3. Business activities 4. Filing frequency 5. Sanctions for non-compliance 6. Monitoring and oversight 7. Verification of declaration content 8. Public access to declarations
FREEDOM OF INFORMATIONIMMUNITY PROTECTIONS 1. Legal framework 2. Coverage of information 3. Procedures for accessing information 4. Exemptions to disclosure requirements 5. Enforcement mechanism 6. Deadlines for release of information 7. Sanctions for non-compliance 1. Legal framework 2. Coverage of public officials 3. Scope of immunity 4. Duration of immunity 5. Revocable immunity protections
Actionable governance indicators (AGIs) that capture data on the capabilities and performance of organizations responsible for implementing the legislation and the immediate impacts on behavior of targeted agents. In collaboration with the Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative: Guide for Policymakers and Practitioners: Income and Asset Disclosure (IAD): Tools and Trade-offs Case studies on IAD systems, with AGI data on implementation efforts Network of IAD Practitioners (in development)
MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY AGISENFORCEMENT AGIS 1. Facilities 2. Technology 3. Human Resources 4. Budget 5. Regulatory management 1. Submission compliance 2. Content verification 3. Investigations 4. Inter-agency collaboration 5. Monitoring and reporting Immediate Impacts 1.Filing compliance 2.Signaling of government commitment to enforcement of IAD provisions 3.Public access
Exogenous factors Rules: Who must file? What must be declared? What information must be made public? Performance: % of covered officials who file % of filings that are fully accurate # of hits on website posting AD information # of newspaper articles citing AD data Capacities: Staffing ratios of agencies responsible for various aspects of asset disclosure regime Whether data is stored electronically
MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY AGISENFORCEMENT AGIS 1. Facilities 2. Technology 3. Human Resources 4. Budget 5. Regulatory management 1. Communications 2. Responsiveness 3. Appeals 4. Internal assessment mechanisms 5. Proactive disclosure Immediate Impacts 1.Failures to comply with FOI mandates 2.Public participation
Resources (external) (internal)
Library of laws Contributors List Country profiles & links Descriptive statistics AGI data Methodology paper and sources PAM products (external) (internal)
Library of laws: search feature
Library of laws: search output
Country profiles and links
AGI data
Descriptive statistics
Findings from 2008 Round
MPs Ministers Heads of state Civil servants Spouses and children
Head of State Declarations are publicly available in 63% of countries with an IAD framework Ministers Declarations are publicly available in 56% of countries with an IAD framework MPs Declarations are publicly available in 51% of countries with an IAD framework Civil servants Declarations are publicly available in 51% of countries with an IAD framework Spouses and children Declarations are publicly available in 40% of countries with an IAD framework
Thank you (external) (internal)