BEST pRACTICES IN CUSTOMER RELATIONS MANAGEMENT Date : 15 – 16 April 2014, Time : 9.00 am – 5.00 pm Venue : MPC Wilayah Sarawak, Kuching COURSE FEE Individual Fee : RM1, per person. Group Discount of 15% will be given for 4 or more participants from the same organisation. P&I Associate Membership : RM800 per person (Discount of 20%) Special Fee for SMEs (Small & Medium Industries) RM per person. The above fee inclusive of: Course Material Refreshment and Lunch Certificate of Attendance Closing Date : 4 APRIL 2014 RATIONALE OBJECTIVES CONTENT WHO SHOULD ATTEND Senior Leaders, Executive Directors and Managers from public and private organisation, Human Resource Directors, Financial Directors, Business Strategies & Planners, Management Consultants and Government Executives looking for ways to improve the quality and efficiency of their operational units. REGISTRATION & PAYMENT METHOD Registration and payment should be made ten (10) days before the commencement of the programme. Cheque should be crossed and made payable to the “Perbadanan Produktiviti Malaysia”. Reservation can be made through phone, mail, fax or and will be confirmed upon receipt of the registration form and payment. A full fee is chargeable if no written notice or cancellation is received by MPC, five (5) days before the programme commences or if the participant fails to report for the programme. Cancellation with less than five (5) day’s notice will not be accepted. However, substitute participants is/are always welcomed. ENQUIRIES For more information and enquiry, please contact Mr. Jerry Shanizal Ab Aziz / Mrs. Nurfazila or Mrs. Norijah Juen at : Tel. No : / or Fax: / METHODOLOGY Lecture, Group Work, Case Studies and Exercise. Transformation. Innovation. Partnership Day #1 Profile Marketing: Drawing a Line in the Sand Customer Relationship Management : Overview Developing the Right CRM Strategy Day #2 Planning and Preparing for Business Change and Improvement Getting Customers – Marketing Keeping Customers – Sales Growing Customers – Retention and Loyalty Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is not just a technology discussion. The concept should and does impact marketing, sales, and services design and could help you not only increase top line revenue but avoid costly mistake as well. In this courses, you’ll explore how to logically work through a CRM plan and integrated CRM thinking throughout the entire credit reunion. Focus on key elements profile marketing planning, and creating a CRM strategy that brings it all together. At the end of the programme participants should be able to : Develop, plan and manage your CRM strategies to improve your customer experience and services Indentify effective processes and matrix to retain existing customers and attract new ones. Measures your customer experience and brand value. Forge and foster strategic customer relationship and make selling easy and stress free. Get, keep and growth customers and build a profitable cycle of unbreakable customer relationship for your business.